File functions, Openfile(), 17 file functions – Teledyne LeCroy SATracer 3G Verification Script Engine manual User Manual

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LeCroy Corporation

Verification Script Engine Reference Manual

Version 1.01

17 File Functions

This group of functions covers VSE capabilities to work with the external files.

17.1 OpenFile()

This function opens a file for writing.

Format :

OpenFile( file_path, append )


file_path - the full path to the file to open. ( For ‘\’ use ‘\\’ )

append - this parameter (if present and not equal to 0) specifies that VSE should append to the
contents of the file – otherwise, the contents of the file will be overwritten.

Return Values:

The “handle” to the file to be used in other file functions.


set file_handle = 0;

file_handle = OpenFile( “D:\\Log.txt” ); # opens file, the previous

contents will be

# erased.

WriteString( file_handle, “Some Text1” ); # write text string to file

WriteString( file_handle, “Some Text2” ); # write text string to file

CloseFile( file_handle ); # closes file

# opens file, the following file operations will append to the contents of

the file.

file_handle = OpenFile( GetApplicationFolder() + “Log.txt”, _APPEND );