LEESON FHP Series Chassis Mount Variable Speed Drives User Manual

Page 32

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DO NOT connect this equipment with power applied.
Failure to heed this directive may result in fire or
serious injury.

LEESON strongly recommends the installation of a
master power switch in the voltage input line. The
switch contacts should be rated at a minimum of 200%
of motor nameplate current and 250 volts.


Power and fuse connections

S i n g l e Vo l ta g e F H P S e r i e s D r i v e s
(175318, 175320, 175321, 175322, 175323)

Connect the AC power input to L1 and L2 as shown in
Figure 12 (page 23). Connect an external fuse between the
drive and master stop switch. Install the switch between
the external fuse and AC power input as shown.
