Additional software installation—crescendo/ws g4 – Sonnet Technologies Crescendo_WS Processor Upgrade Card User Manual

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Download and Run Sonnet X Tune-Up

Running the Sonnet X Tune-Up install application is necessary
only when Mac OS X (any version) is installed on your system
along with Mac OS 9.1.x or 9.2.x. Remember to install this soft-
ware when you upgrade to Mac OS X. For complete information
on Sonnet X Tune-Up, please refer to the Read Me notes pro-
vided with the software.

1. Boot your system in Mac OS 9.1.x or 9.2.x from a hard

drive or partition, not a CD-ROM.

2. Log onto the Internet and type in the following address:

3. Click on the Sonnet X Tune-Up link, and then click on

the pulsing Download button; after downloading the file,
move it to the Desktop.

4. Insert the Mac OS X Install CD into your CD-ROM drive

and allow it to mount to your Desktop; if the Mac OS X CD
was not inserted when you started this installer, the Sonnet
software will not be installed.

5. Run Sonnet X Tune-Up in Mac OS 9.1.x or 9.2.x. (Only

the active drive or partition from which your system is
booted can be updated.)

6. From the Apple menu, select Control Panels: Startup

Disk X. Select your Mac OS X volume (not the Mac OS X
CD), then click Restart; your installation is complete.

Updating and Maintaining Mac OS X

At some time in the future, you may wish to upgrade to Mac OS X,
or upgrade your Mac OS X software to a higher version using a Mac
OS X Update CD, you may need to run Disk Utility from the Mac OS
X Install CD, or you may even need to reinstall Mac OS X software.
Every one of these tasks require you to boot from an Apple CD.

In some instances, your Crescendo/WS G4 processor-upgraded
PowerBook may not boot from the CD as expected. If this is the case
with your PowerBook, please do the following:

1. Insert the Mac OS X CD into your PowerBook’s CD-ROM

drive. If your system is booted in Mac OS X, select Restart from
the Apple Menu. If your system is booted in Mac OS 9.x, select
Special: Restart from the Finder.

2. Wait for a few seconds after the startup chime. While holding

down the ctrl and keys, press and release the Power button four
times, waiting for the chime to sound between each button press.

3. After the fourth startup chime sounds, release the ctrl and

keys; your PowerBook should boot from the Mac OS X CD.

If the above method does not work for you, please contact Sonnet
Customer Support for further assistance.

Additional Software Installation—Crescendo/WS G4