Sonnet Technologies Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard_34 Quick Start User Manual
Sonnet Technologies Hardware

Quick Start Guide for Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34
InStallatIon StEPS for MaC USErS
The following section covers configuration and use of the Presto
Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 card in a MacBook Pro. If
you are using the Presto card in a Windows notebook, skip to
InsTallaTIon sTEPs for WIndoWs UsErs.
Driver Information—oS X
The drivers that enable the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro
ExpressCard/34 card to work in your computer are installed as
part of os X; the Presto card is ready to use when you insert the
card into your computer.
System Configuration Steps—Mac Users
listed below are the basic steps necessary to add the Presto
Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 for use as one of your
computer’s Ethernet network ports.
1. Plug in a network-connected twisted-pair Ethernet cable
into the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 before
inserting the card into your computer.
2. Insert the Presto card into your computer’s ExpressCard slot
and then start up your computer.
3. after your computer has finished booting, launch the
system Preferences application, and then click network.
4. If it is not already selected, click on the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 (identified as a PCI Ethernet
slot ExpressCard) in the left panel, and then configure the
settings, if necessary. If your computer was connected to
a network using built-in Ethernet, you should not have to
enter new settings.
5. after you accepted the existing settings, edited them, or
created new ones, click the apply button.
6. Close system Preferences; if you used existing settings,
your installation is complete. for additional information on
configuring settings, refer to Mac Help (Help > Mac Help
from the finder) and; type “network,
Ethernet” and “combining Ethernet ports” to display various
InStallatIon StEPS for WInDoWS USErS
The following section covers configuration and use of the Presto
Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 card in a Windows laptop
Driver Information—Windows 8
The drivers that enable the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro
ExpressCard/34 card to work in your computer are installed as
part of Windows 8; the Presto card is ready to use when you
insert the card into your computer.
Windows 7—Software Download/Installation Steps
1. Insert the Presto card into your computer’s ExpressCard slot
and then start up your computer.
2. log onto the Internet and go to
support, and then click the online support Knowledgebase
3. Click the Computer Cards link, and then click the
ExpressCard/34 Cards link.
4. locate and click the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro
ExpressCard/34 link. note: Do not click the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 (Discontinued) link.
5. Click the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 driver
(Windows) link, and then click download now; a new
window or tab will appear.
6. locate and click the file download link for the software
appropriate for the os software running your computer (32
for 32-bit operating systems, x64 for 64-bit versions).
7. When the Broadcom License Agreement window appears, scroll
to the bottom of the page and then click accept.
8. When asked whether you want to open or save the file, click
save. When the message stating the download completed
appears, click open; a new window will appear.
9. select the win_b57_32 (or win_b57_x64) file folder, and
then click the “Extract all files” button toward the top of the
10. When the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window appears,
accept the default extraction location or choose a new one,
and then click Extract; the file will be extracted.
11. from the start menu, right-click Computer and then select
Manage; the Computer Management window will appear.