Sonnet Technologies Tempo SATA ExpressCard_34 User Manual
User’s guide, Tempo, Sata expresscard|34

Quick Start Guide for Tempo SATA ExpressCard/34
You Should Have
The following items should be included in your product package:
• One Tempo SATA ExpressCard/34 adapter
• One CD
The following items are required (sold separately):
• One or more external Serial ATA Drives
• One or two external Serial ATA (eSATA) data cables
System Requirements
The Tempo SATA ExpressCard/34 host adapter card requires the
following in order to operate in your system:
•ExpressCard/34 or ExpressCard/54 slot
• Mac OS
X Version 10.3 or later , or Windows
7, Vista
, or XP with
SP2 installed
User’s Guide
SATA ExpressCard|34
Serial ATA Host Controller for ExpressCard|34 Slot
Software Installation Steps for Mac OS X Users
Before using the Tempo SATA ExpressCard/34 card with your
computer, you must run the driver installation software.
1. Insert the included CD into the computer’s optical drive; when
the CD appears on the desktop, double-click the Sonnet E1P/
E2P/E342P Installer icon, and then double-click the Tempo_
SATA_E1P_E2P_E342P_Vxxx.pkg file to launch the installer; when
the Welcome to the SonnetSATA E1P/E2P/E342P Installer window
appears, click Continue.
2. When the Important Information window appears, click Continue.
3. When the Software License Agreement window appears, read the
license, click Continue, and then click Agree.
4. When the Select a Destination window appears, accept the default
destination or choose a new destination, and then click Continue.
5. When the Easy Install window appears, click Continue, enter
your name and password, and then click OK.
6. While the driver is installed, a progress bar appears. When the
Software was successfully installed screen appears, click Close; you
may now use the Tempo card with your system.
Support Note:
Mac users may use the software on the
included Installer CD, but it may not be the latest version
available. Before using this product, check the version number of the
software on the CD and what’s available at
support/ and install the newer version, if available. Windows users must
have an active Internet connection in order to download and install the
drivers for the Tempo card.
eSATA connector
SATA I connector