Sonnet Technologies Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard_34 User Manual
Sonnet Technologies Hardware

Quick Start Guide for Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34
The following section covers configuration and use of the Presto
Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 card in a MacBook Pro. If
you are using the Presto card in a Windows notebook, skip to
InsTallaTIon sTEPs for WIndoWs UsErs.
Installation Preparation
Prior to inserting the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34
into your computer, sonnet recommends that you read the section
in your computer’s user manual that addresses ExpressCard use.
System Configuration Steps—Mac Users
listed below are the steps necessary to add the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 for use as one of your computer’s
Ethernet network ports.
1. Plug in a twisted-pair Ethernet cable into the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 before inserting the card into
your computer.
2. When the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 is
inserted for the first time (or the computer is started the first
time with the card installed), a window will appear stating a
new network interface has been detected. Click the network
Preferences… button; system Preferences will open with
network preferences selected.
3. If it is not already selected, click on the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 (identified as a PCI Ethernet slot
ExpressCard) in the left panel, and then configure the
settings, if necessary. If your computer was connected to
a network using built-in Ethernet, you should not have to
enter new settings.
4. after you accepted the existing settings, edited them, or cre-
ated new ones, click the apply button.
5. Close system Preferences; if you used existing settings,
your installation is complete. for additional information on
configuring settings, refer to Mac Help (Help > Mac Help
from the finder) and; type “network,
Ethernet” and “combining Ethernet ports” to display various
InStallatIon StEPS for WIndoWS USErS
The following sections cover software installation steps for the
Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 card in a Windows
Installation Preparation
Prior to inserting the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34
into your computer, sonnet recommends that you read the section
in your computer’s user manual that addresses ExpressCard use.
Software download
Before inserting the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34
into your computer, you must download required software from
the sonnet Web site.
1. log onto the Internet,
2. Go to, and
then click on the Computer Cards software link.
3. from the download Computer Card software for… drop-
down menu, select driver software (Windows) under
PrEsTo GIGaBIT ETHErnET Pro ExPrEssCard/34.
4. Click the link for the software appropriate for the os software
running your computer (x32 for 32-bit operating systems,
x64 for 64-bit versions). depending on the os and how your
computer is configured, a new window may appear asking
you what to do with the file; click open. If another window
appears asking for permission to open the file, click allow.
5. When the window showing the contents of the .zip file
appears, locate and click the Extract files button (Vista), or
select file > Extract all… from the menu (server 2003 and
driver Software Installation and System
Configuration Steps—Vista
1. Plug in a twisted-pair Ethernet cable into the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 before inserting the card into
your computer.
2. When the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 is
inserted for the first time (or the computer is started the
first time with the card installed), a Found New Hardware
window will appear, and driver software will be installed
3. open device Manager, and then click the + next to
network adapters.
4. right-click “Generic Marvell Yukon Chipset based Ethernet
Controller”, and then select “Update driver software”.
5. When the Update Driver Software window appears, select
“Browse my computer for driver software.”