Sonnet Technologies Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard_34 Quick Start User Manual
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Windows 7—Software Download/Installation Steps
12. In the window’s left panel, locate and click device Manager.
In the middle panel, locate and double-click the Ethernet
Controller item listed in the “other devices” category; an
Ethernet Controller Properties window will appear.
13. Click the Update driver button; an Update Driver Software
window will appear.
14. Click “Browse my computer for driver”, and then click
Browse. locate and select the win_b57_32 (or win_b57_x64)
folder you downloaded, and then click oK.
15. Back in the Update Driver Software window, click next; the
driver is installed. When a message appears stating the
software installation is complete, click Close; the card is
ready for use.
Windows Vista—Software Download/Installation Steps
1. Insert the Presto card into your computer’s ExpressCard slot
and then start up your computer.
2. during startup, a found new Hardware window will
appear; click “don’t show this message again for this device”.
If you haven’t disabled User account Control (UaC), a UaC
window will appear; click Continue.
3. log onto the Internet and go to
support, and then click the online support Knowledgebase
4. Click the Computer Cards link, and then click the
ExpressCard/34 Cards link.
5. locate and click the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro
ExpressCard/34 link. note: Do not click the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 (Discontinued) link.
6. Click the Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 driver
(Windows) link, and then click download now; a new
window or tab will open.
7. locate and click the file download link for the software
appropriate for the os software running your computer (32
for 32-bit operating systems, x64 for 64-bit versions).
8. When the Broadcom License Agreement window appears, scroll
to the bottom of the page and then click accept.
9. When asked whether you want to open or save the file, click
save. When the message stating the download completed
appears, click open; a new window will appear.
10. select the win_b57_32 (or win_b57_x64) file folder, and
then click the “Extract all files” button toward the top of the
Quick Start Guide for Presto Gigabit Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34
11. When the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window appears,
accept the default extraction location or choose a new one,
and then click Extract; the file will be extracted.
12. from the start menu, right-click Computer and then select
Manage; the Computer Management window will appear.
13. In the window’s left panel, locate and click device Manager.
In the middle panel, locate and double-click the Ethernet
Controller item listed in the “other devices” category; an
Ethernet Controller Properties window will appear.
14. Click the reinstall driver button; an Update Driver Software
window will appear.
15. Click “Browse my computer for driver”, and then click
Browse. locate and select the win_b57_32 (or win_b57_x64)
folder you downloaded, and then click oK.
16. Back in the Update Driver Software window, click next; the
driver is installed. When a message appears stating the
software installation is complete, click Close; the card is
ready for use.
System Configuration Steps—Windows Users
listed below are the basic steps necessary to add the Presto Gigabit
Ethernet Pro ExpressCard/34 for use as one of your computer’s
network connections.
1. Plug in one end of an Ethernet cable to the Presto adapter’s
Ethernet port. Connect the other end to a cable or dsl
modem, or a network.
2. Connect either the included UsB 3.0 cable or another UsB
3.0 cable between the Presto adapter and a UsB port on your
3. With your computer turned on, depending on your setup,
Windows may configure itself automatically to work with
the Presto adapter. launch a Web browser and browse a
Website to verify.
4. If your system did not configure itself, access the network
and sharing Center to make necessary changes.
Remember to register your product online at http://registration. to be informed of future upgrades and product
releases. Software updates and links are available from the Sonnet
web site at • Online support form available
• Sonnet Technologies Customer Service hours are Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.–4 p.m. Pacific Time
• Customer Service Phone: 1-949-472-2772
• E-mail: [email protected]
• Sonnet Technologies, Inc. Irvine, California 92618 USA
• Tel: 1-949-587-3500
©2013 Sonnet Technologies, All rights reserved. Sonnet, the Sonnet logotype, Simply Fast, the Simply Fast logotype, and
Presto are trademarks of Sonnet Technologies, Inc. Mac, the Mac logo, MacBook Pro, and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the United States and other countries. Other product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Product
specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in the USA. QS-GE1000LAB-E34-E-A-102413