Securitron AQD3 User Manual

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PDB-8F8RAccess Control with EOL Fire Interface Installation


AQD3 Series Instructions: Doc.# 500-33000 Rev A

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PDB-8C1R DC Power Distribution with Supervised Interface module

Distributed Power Control Interface for Fire, Access, HVAC, Elevator, and Security


8 Power Limited Outputs with Auto-Resetting

Circuit Breakers

Each Output is Individually Selectable to

Turn On, Turn Off, or always ON when Triggered

Outputs can be triggered with:

1. Voltage or Reverse polarity (opto isolated)
2. N/O or N/C switch with supervised EOL

Form C Contacts (TRIGGERED) and Red LED (TRG)

Indicate Trigger Status

Form C Contacts (TROUBLE) and Green LED (TRB)

1. One of the output circuit breakers is tripped
2. Main Fuse Blown or no power on input

Operates with 12.6 or 25.2VDC

Each Output pair has a Removable Terminal Block

Each Output has a Green Status LED

Main Power has Green Status LED

Main Power Pull and Fuse

Lifetime Warranty

UL Listed Sub Assembly for Access Control and Burglar Alarm Systems


The PDB-8C1R power distribution control interface converts a main non-power limited DC power source to 8 power-
limited outputs that can be controlled by a (FACP) Fire Alarm Control Panel. Each output can be selectively set (J1-
J8) to turn ON or to Turn OFF when triggered by the panel. The FACP or other control system can interface to the
PDB-8C1R with either of two or both supervised trigger inputs. One trigger is activated with a reverse polarity voltage
from a FACP. This trigger is fully isolated with an optical isolator. The other trigger is an (EOL) 2.2K End Line
Resister input which will accept a (N/O) Normally Open switch or a (N/C) Normally Closed switch.
When triggered, the Trigger Transfer Relay removes power from the NORM + buss and transfers it to the TRIG +
buss. Jumpers J1-J8 determines which buss each output is connected to. The triggered form C contacts also drop off
normal when triggered and the Red (TRG) LED turns on. These contacts can be used to daisy chain other PDB-
8C1R, latch, or provide feedback to a system.
The Trouble Form C Relay drops off Normal if any one of the PTC circuit breakers is tripped, or main power/fuse is
lost. The Green (TRB) LED is ON during normal operation, it goes off with trouble. All three relays are Fail-Safe,
energized in the normal condition.
Each output has a Green LED that is on when the associated output is ON.
Typical applications for a Fire Alarm System would include adding remote Bells and anunciators, closing dampers,
turning off HVAC fans, unlocking fail secure and fail safe doors, and or returning elevators to first floor. The installation
instructions illustrate these applications.
The PDB-8C1R is available as a module or mounted in an enclosure with any of our DC Power Supplies.

Input Voltage ............. 10.5 to 12.4vdc or 22.7 to 25.2vdc
Output Voltage ...................... virtually the same as Input
Current, Typical, with No Output Load ........... 90-160mA
Outputs 1–8 continuous duty each ................ 1.23 Amps
Voltage Trigger ................. 20% < Input min. 30vdc max.
Voltage Trigger isolation ...................................... Optical
EOL (End of Line) Trigger ............ Trip +-50% of 2.2K Ω
Transfer Relay Contacts ................................... 15Amps
Trouble Form C Contacts .......... 2A 120vac/1A 220vac
Triggered Form C Contacts ........ 2A 120vac/1A 220vac

UL Approvals
UL 294 – Access Control System Unit
UL 603 – Power supplies for Use with Burglar-Alarm
ULC S318-96 – Power supplies for Burglar Alarm
ULC S533-02 – Standard for Egress Door Securing and
Releasing Devices