Metal fusion, inc, Limited one-year warranty, What this warranty covers – King Kooker Cast Cookers with Timers User Manual

Page 6: How long coverage lasts, What is not covered, What metal fusion, inc. will do, How to get service, How state law applies

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metAl FusIon, Inc.

lImIted one-yeAr WArrAnty

WHAt tHIs WArrAnty coVers

This warranty covers all components of this outdoor cooker to be free from defects in materials and

workmanship, with the exceptions stated below.

HoW lonG coVerAGe lAsts

This warranty runs for one year from the date of purchase. Please keep your receipt with this manual

for future reference.

WHAt Is not coVered

This warranty does not cover the following:

incidental and consequential Damages. This warranty does not cover incidental and

consequential damages arising in any way out of the use of this outdoor cooker. The liability of

Metal Fusion, Inc. is, in any event, limited to the amount of the original purchase price of this

outdoor cooker, and remains in force only as long as the product remains in its original, as-built

configuration. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential

damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

neglectful operation. This warranty does not cover any loss or damage arising in any way

due to the negligent operation of this outdoor cooker.

altered, Repaired or Misused equipment. This warranty does not cover any loss or

damage arising in any way out of the use of this outdoor cooker when it has been altered, repaired

by persons other than Metal Fusion, Inc., or when it has been abused or misused, or when it has

been used other than in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions, including,

without limitation, any damage to the consumer’s pots because they were placed on a lit cooker

while the pot is empty.

other assumed Responsibilities. Unless otherwise provided by law, this warranty does

not cover any responsibility or liability arising in any way out of the use of this product where that

responsibility or liability was purportedly assumed by any other person or agent.

Paint, Discoloration, Rust and corrosion. This warranty does not cover the paint on the

outdoor cooker, as in a normal use of the outdoor cooker, the paint will be burned off. Nor does

this warranty cover discoloration, rust or corrosion to the cooker or LP hose/ regulator with timer

assembly as these occurrences are part of the cooker’s normal wear and tear.

WHAt metAl FusIon, Inc. WIll do

Metal Fusion, Inc. will repair or replace any outdoor cooker that proves to be defective in materials

or workmanship. In the event repair is not possible or economically feasible, Metal Fusion, Inc. will

replace your outdoor cooker with an identical or substantially equivalent outdoor cooker. Metal Fusion,

Inc. will perform this service at no charge to you, except for the actual cost of shipping and handling

the outdoor cooker or replacement parts.

HoW to Get serVIce

In the event you have a problem or malfunction with your outdoor cooker, simply call Metal Fusion,

Inc. at (800) 783-3885.

HoW stAte lAW APPlIes

This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to
