Use of king kooker, Drain rack model # kk168 – King Kooker Cast Cookers with Timers User Manual
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use oF KInG KooKer
drAIn rAcK
model # KK168
(sold sePArAtely)
reAd And understAnd All WArnInGs And InstructIons beFore usInG tHIs Product!
1. Use the drain rack for draining a fried turkey on a stand which has a round disk type base as
pictured below (not a wire formed base) or for draining food cooked within a strainer basket.
2. Always turn OFF the outdoor cooker before removing the turkey from the pot or before raising
the strainer basket from the pot. Use mitts for protection. Remove the turkey rack or strainer
basket from the pot. Place the drain rack across the top of the center of the pot. Make sure the
rack is centered so that the prongs and the “V” bend extend evenly over each side of the pot.
3. The rack should be placed so that it provides a steady base on which to set the turkey rack or
basket for draining. Refer to the drawings below for placement.
FAIlure to FolloW tHese InstructIons And WArnInGs could result In
FIre, exPlosIon, burn HAzArd or cArbon monoxIde PoIsonInG WHIcH
could cAuse ProPerty dAmAGe, PersonAl Injury, or deAtH.