Chicken, Beef, pork & game, Turkey – King Kooker Cast Cookers with Timers User Manual
Page 28: Injecting techniques for turkey, chicken and roast
InjectInG tecHnIQues For turKey, cHIcKen And roAst
beFore InjectInG, Pour mArInAde Into A sePArAte
contAIner to KeeP From contAmInAtInG mArInAde.
1. Remove giblets and rinse chicken with warm water, drain cavity
2. Fill Injector with desired amount of marinade.
3. Inject FULL amounts of marinade (approximately 1 oz.) at the indicated
points, (breast, thigh, leg). Inject marinade slowly while pulling needle
out of meat. This gives even distribution of seasoning. (For best results,
insert needle at different angles through the same hole when injecting
4. Sprinkle outside of chicken generously with King Kooker® Cajun Seasoning, rubbing in well.
5. Bake in conventional method.
deeP FrIed
1. Follow steps 1-4.
cAutIon: Make sure cavity of chicken is drained of water before deep frying. Deep fry whole
chicken 7 minutes per pound at 350
°F (177°C).
1. Cut whole chicken into halves and rinse with warm water.
2. Follow steps 2-4 (DO NOT inject marinade before cutting chicken into halves.)
5. Place chicken on hot grill, turning several times during grilling.
beeF, PorK & GAme
1. Fill Injector with desired amount of marinade.
2. Inject marinade 1 to 2 inches apart. Inject marinade slowly while pulling
needle out of meat. This gives even distribution of seasoning.
3. Pour marinade generously over the roast.
4. Cook in oven until desired temperature is reached.
bAKed or FrIed
1. Remove giblets, neck, any wires or packaging materials, and pop up timer.
Rinse turkey with warm water and drain cavity completely.
2. Fill Injector with desired amount of marinade.
3. Inject FULL amounts of marinade (approximately 1 oz.) at the indicated
points (breast, thigh, leg). Inject marinade slowly while pulling needle out of
meat. (For best results, insert needle at different angles through the same
hole when injecting marinade.)
4. Sprinkle outside of turkey generously with King Kooker
Cajun Seasoning, rubbing in well.
cAutIon: Make sure cavity of turkey is drained of water before deep frying. Deep fry turkey
about 3 1/2 minutes per pound at 350
°F (177°C) or bake in conventional method.
cleAnInG And storAGe
use soAP And WAter to cleAn Injector And AlloW to dry. use VeGetAble oIl to lIGHtly coAt PlunGer
oF Injector. tHIs AlloWs PlunGer to moVe Freely In tHe bArrel oF tHe Injector.