Istogram, Histogram display graph, Histogram display options panel – Gentec-EO PC-MAESTRO (Old Software for MAESTRO) User Manual

Page 26: Istogram display

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MAESTRO User’s Manual Revision 1.0


5.5 Histogram


Histogram Display Graph

This is a simple way to see in real time the power or energy distribution of a signal.

Fig. 5-13 Histogram display


Histogram Display Options Panel

The options panel for the histogram display allows to control the number of digits and the number of bars
and period of the graphic:

1. Bars

a. Enter the desired number of bars manually
b. Press Enter or Tab to make the change effective

2. Period

a. Enter the desired period in # of samples manually
b. Press Enter or Tab to make the change effective


The number of samples is not related to the repetition rate of the signal, it

is the number of samples that the MAESTRO sends through the serial
