General Tools and Instruments LT2234C User Manual
Page 9

tween showing the highest value and “UP”. Also note that
releasing the MEM button powers off the display and the
2. The second option is to press the MEM
button twice and hold it. Doing so again
illuminates the display, but now it
shows the last reading you stored, in-
dicated by and alternating with the letters “LA”.
3. The third option is to press the MEM
button three times and hold it. Doing so
retrieves the slowest of the measure-
ments you have stored. This value is
shown alternating with the letters “dn”, signifying the min-
imum speed.
To try out other memory-related features, first push the
Measure button on the right side. Then press the MEM button
once, twice and three times (holding it in each time) and note
from the display that all of your stored measurements have
been erased (indicated by “0.0” readings for UP, dn and LA).
You can confirm this by pressing and holding the MEM button
until the display begins counting down from 20. When the
count reaches 0, the display immediately switches to show-
ing the letters “AN” on the left side and a number (in this
case, “0”) on the right. (The letters “AN” are an abbreviation
for the Ancient Greek word for “recall.”)