Fire Fighting Enterprises FIRERAY 2000 EExd User Manual
Key features, Applications, Description

Hazardous Area Smoke Detector
Installation Guide
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Flameproof Receiver and Transmitter
Standard Fireray Controller Unit
High Coverage - up to 1500
m per system
Low Cost
Beam Range 10 metres to 100 metres
12 Volts dc to 24 Volts dc operation
Selectable Alarm Thresholds
Low Current Consumption
Manual or Automatic Fire Alarm Reset
Automatic Fault Alarm Reset
Ground Level Electronics
Extremely Rugged
Easy installation
Low maintenance
Ex II 2 G Environments
Munitions Factories
Munitions Stores
Flammable Liquid Stores
Flammable Gas Stores
Flammable Powder Stores
Industrial Plants
Power Stations
Applications requiring highly rugged
detector heads
The FIRERAY 2000 EExd SMOKE DETECTOR SYSTEM is designed primarily to protect EExd, IIB
hazardous areas.
It consists of a standard Fireray 2000 Controller/Analyser, combined with highly rugged flameproof
Transmitter and Receiver heads.
The Transmitter and Receiver Heads are designed to be mounted within the protected hazardous area,
whilst the Analyser is housed outside it. Using the Standard Analyser unit in this way allows a
significant cost reduction when compared to a system utilising flameproof enclosures for all component
parts. The maximum lateral beam coverage is 15m per Fireray System installed.
Once installed, the Transmitter Head projects a modulated Infra-Red Beam across the protected area, to
the Receiver head mounted opposite. The received signal strength is monitored and analysed in the
Ground Level Controller. Should the beam strength fall below the preset threshold for more than 8 -10
seconds, a Fire Alarm is signalled to the Control Equipment. The analyser also incorporates monitoring
for cable breaks or loss of function at the Transmitter or Receiver. If the signal strength is reduced
suddenly (<5 seconds) by greater than 93% a Fault Alarm is indicated to the Control equipment. The
Fire and Fault Alarm outputs are provided via two sets of Voltage-Free change-over relay contacts.
The Fire Alarm Relay may be set for latched or auto-reset operation as desired. The Fault Alarm is
designed to auto-reset once the signal is returned to serviceable limits.
The system may be used with ‘intelligent’ or ‘non-intelligent’ systems. Due to the very low current
consumption, back-up battery life is extended and the system may be powered from alarm loop supplies
in most cases.
1 x Transmitter Head (With Clear Lens)
1 x Receiver Head (With Dark Lens)
1 x Controller/Analyser Unit
1 x Adjustable Head Mounting Bracket
1 x Test Filter
1 x Installation Guide (This document)
2 x Allen keys (5mm & 10mm)
1 x Bag of Bracket Fixings