Teledyne 335 - Analog control room monitor for personnel safety User Manual
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Oxygen Alarm Monitor
Introduction 1
The Teledyne Analytical Instruments (TAI) Model 335 Oxygen
Alarm accurately measures the oxygen content of the atmosphere sur-
rounding its sensor. The standard measurement range is 0-25% oxygen.
The alarm feature of the instrument incorporates two adjustable setpoints
to allow alarm warning under either of two independent oxygen level
conditions. The standard alarm indication is produced by both an audible
annunciator and a visual light, and when an alarm condition exists, a relay
is energized to switch a set of relay contacts. Both normally open and
normally closed circuits are provided by the Form “C” relay contacts;
consult the Interconnection Diagram at the rear of the manual to find the
interconnection terminals where the circuits can be accessed.
The instrument is designed as a safety monitor. However, it is the
responsibility of the user to establish whether or not the total system or
instrument, environment, alarm components and any other relevant devices
will actually assure safety in his/her particular circumstances.
The “Safety Checklist” outlined in the “Pre-Operation” section of this
manual should be treated as a guide only; it is up to the user to establish
practical safety precautions. Also, it is vital that operator’s understand and
test the operation of the complete system.
Consult the circuit-related drawings at the rear of the manual to find
information about circuit paths (schematic) and connecting points (wiring
and interconnection diagrams), as well as physical characteristics and
dimensions (outline diagram). These drawings reflect the exact design and
construction of your instrument.
Remove power from the system before opening the
instrument or attempting to perform any maintenance.