Teledyne 335 - Analog control room monitor for personnel safety User Manual
Page 14

3 Installation and Operation
Model 335
The Model 335 uses battery backed standby power during periods of
power failure or "brown out" conditions. Power outages will not interfere
with a properly-working Model 335 oxygen alarm if it is installed and used
correctly. The standby power source uses rechargeable NiCad (Nickel
Cadmium) batteries. If the AC power is temporarily impaired (“brown-out”)
or interrupted, the stand-by power supply takes over and keeps the analyzer
in operation.
Periodically test the condition of the battery pack by pressing the
“BATTERY TEST” pushbutton on the instrument’s control panel and note
the battery condition in the area so designated on the meter scale. Release
the pushbutton to return to the normal sampling mode. The battery test
provides only an indication of the battery state under the test conditions; it is
possible that a battery might test well but perform for only a short time under
actual operational conditions (a characteristic of the battery, not the ana-
lyzer), so it is very important that power outages be corrected without delay.
Furthermore, TAI recommends that the instrument be tested periodically by
operating it for several hours without AC power (that is, under battery
The standard Model 335 is designed to operate on standby battery
power for at least six hours if conditions are favorable, i.e., conditions are not
extreme and the batteries are well charged and in good condition). Under
actual conditions, however, these factors will always tend to evolve toward
the worst case if left unattended. Therefore, the user must always ensure that
battery condition, charge and other related factors are monitored with suffi-
cient frequency to prevent problems. Most importantly, DO NOT DEPEND
lems as soon as possible.
3.2.2 Installing the Rechargeable NiCad Batteries
Connect the batteries as follows:
1. Remove the tape from the red wire and the white green wire.
2. Connect the red wire to TS2-5; connect the white green wire to
3.2.3 Signal Connections
Alarm relay and optional output signals are available to the user from a
terminal block inside the enclosure. See the Interconnection Diagram in-
cluded with the drawings at the back of this manual.