Meter earth station antenna – Andrew 9.3-Meter ESA User Manual
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Like all Andrew earth station antennas, the 9.3-Meter Earth Station Antenna provides
high gain and exceptional pattern characteristics. The electrical performance and excep-
tional versatility provides the ability to configure the antenna with your choice of linearly-
or circularly-polarized 2-port or 4-port combining network. That versatility is provided at
the time of initial purchase, as well as in the future, as your satellite communication
requirements evolve.
The aluminum reflector is precision formed for accuracy and strength requiring minimal
assembly. The reflector assembly is 30-feet (9.3-meters) in diameter and segmented in
a twenty piece configuration to reduce shipping volume and facilitate transport to remote
sites. Reflector panels are chromate converted and painted with a highly reflective white
The versatile tripod mount can be purchased with motorizable capabilities. The tripod
mount features 180 degree azimuth coverage in three continuous 120 degree overlap-
ping ranges and executes 90 degree continuous elevation adjustment. This large adjust-
ment range provides non-critical foundation orientation and the ability to view geosta-
tionary satellites from horizon-to-horizon, from any location worldwide.
The motorizable tripod mount features self-aligning bearings for the elevation pivots,
resulting in "zero" backlash. This mount has the ability to be upgraded for High-Speed
motorized operation, including steptracking/Smartrack™ applications. The motorizable
mount type is indicated by the ES93 or ES93HS letters within the antenna type number.
The addition of the letter "HS" within the antenna type number indicates that the mount
includes High-Speed azimuth/elevation machine jackscrews. The azimuth/elevation
jackscrews are equipped for integration with the optional motor drive systems. A cross-
axis grounding kit is supplied with each mount to ensure electrical interconnectivity of
the complete structure.
The aluminum enclosure and hot-dipped galvanized steel mount maintain pointing accu-
racy and ensures durability and reliability. The antenna and mount with enclosure will
survive 125 mph (200 km/h) wind, in any position of operation, without damage or per-
manent deformation in moderate coastal/industrial areas. Severe conditions require
additional protection.
Andrew provides a complete line of available options, including motor drive systems
(with power interfaces addressing domestic and international standards), remote micro-
processor antenna control for motor drive systems, pressurization equipment, and inter-
connecting HELIAX
cables and waveguide.
9.3-Meter Earth Station Antenna