Dixon Valve F38 tool User Manual
Ratchet style tool, Band clamp tool

Ratchet style tool
Operating Instructions for the F38 Installation Tool
For applying 3/8" and 5/8" Fseries band clamps
Push end of clamp completely into slotted end of
clamp tool. For 3/8" width clamp use narrow slot-
ted end.
Push winder into frame with slot engaging clamp
end. Ratchet wrench attached to winder.
Push forward with sufficient strokes until desired
tension is obtained.
Push punch down on lock and while holding ten-
sion with wrench, strike firm blow with hammer,
thus locking the clamp.
Raise punch and while holding tension with wrench,
swing frame forward and up against edge of lock,
breaking off tail piece.
(optional) Peen corners of the lock smooth. Twist
up tail and when it is free, pull out of winder. To
move punch from one end to other end, squeeze
legs of punch holder and reengage in holes at op-
posite end.
To use open end clamps, wrap and lace the clamp
twice around, threading each wrap through the
lock, apply clamp-tool and use as above.
Note: On applications such as glass, radiator
spud or objects where punching would be injurious,
pull tension - raise clamp tool to bend strip at right
angle - remove winder - clip off 1/4" above the bend
- fold end, close over lock.