Safety instructions, Use of the tracker – MIDLAND Geopoint Voice LCD User Manual
Page 26
Safety Instructions
Use of the Tracker
Select the call tone type.
Set the call tone volume.
OFF: tone disabled. In case of a call, the tracker will not emit any acoustic signal.
LOW: tone with a low volume level.
HIGH: tone with a high volume level.
Enable/disable the keys tone.
Enable/disable the acoustic signal tone for the SOS key.
The tracker allows to record:
the detected events automatically without setting the recording
the position data to review the track afterwords, if the recording was previously set
The tracker can records approx. 70,000 position points and approx. 1,900 events.
When an event occurs, the tracker detects it and start to record in the Event LOG.
The following list shows all the events which can be detected and recorded automatically by the tracker.
power on/off
low battery
making or receiving a voice call
receiving a data call
making a GPRS call
hanging up a call
motion on/off
GSM network available/unavailable
GPS signal available/unavailable
entry/exit from Geofence area
entry/exit from Anchor area
fi rmware update
SOS alarm
memory erasing
roaming on/off
network GSM provider changing if roaming on