Brake bleeding – Mityvac MV8000 AUTOMOTIVE TEST & BLEED KIT User Manual
Page 21

B) Bleeder fittings on the combination valve,
if equipped.
C) Wheel cylinders and calipers in succession
beginning with the wheel closest to the master
cylinder, and working to the farthest one.
NOTE: Follow manufacturer’s recommended bleeding
sequence (if known). The procedure given in this
article specifies to begin bleeding the wheel closest
to master cylinder. Regardless of sequence used,
always ensure all air is purged from system.
3) Slip 1
” of tubing between the pump and the lid
of reservoir jar at port marked “TO PUMP”
(FIGURE 16).
4) Attach 3
” plastic hose to the bottom of the cap.
5) Affix at least a 12” piece of tubing to the other
reservoir jar port. Be certain that the cover of the
reservoir jar is secure, but don’t over tighten.
6) Select the appropriate adapter(s). The L-shaped
universal adapters should fit snugly over the brake
bleeding fitting in order to seal properly. The
tapered adapters fit inside the thru-hole of fitting
and will generally seal well when inserted tightly
with a pressing and twisting motion. Attach adapter
to reservoir hose.
7) Place wrench on brake bleeding fitting.
Attach adapter and pump assembly, and pump
10 to 15 times.
NOTE: If bubbles coming out of the fitting are very
small and even in size, the air is probably coming
from within the system. It is not necessary to
eliminate these bubbles as they do not affect brake
operation. If desired, these bubbles can generally be
eliminated by placing grease or Teflon tape around
the threads, to act as a seal.
8) Open fitting slightly, only enough to cause the
fluid to enter jar, usually
9) After evacuating about 2” of fluid into the jar,
close the fitting and refill the master cylinder.
Repeat all previous steps on all remaining wheels.
If fluid is not drawn into the jar after opening the
fitting, make certain the lid of the jar is tight. You
will not be able to produce the necessary vacuum
in the jar if the lid does not fit securely. Occasionally
some dirt will get into the brake line, in which case
the pump may not be totally effective. If this
happens, have someone touch the brake pedal
once lightly, with the bleeding valve open, then
proceed to use the pump.
To Pump
Form 824345
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