Print tickets, Scheduled fueling manual fueling, Data transfer – Liquid Controls FlightConnect 600 QR User Manual

Page 2: Print a duplicate delivery ticket, Print a logoff (shift) ticket, Print a diagnostic ticket, Complete a scheduled fueling, Complete a manual fueling, Retrieve updates from the office, Send transactions to the office

background image

PRint tickets

pRint a dupLiCate deLiveRy tiCKet

1. turn the lCR 600 selector switch to PRint and then to StoP.

pRint a LogoFF (ShiFt) tiCKet

1. From the Fueler menu, move the highlighted bar to

Fueler Logoff and press the EntEr button.

pRint a diagnoStiC tiCKet

1. turn the lCR 600 selector switch to StoP.

2. turn the selector switch to SHiFt PRint for less than 2 seconds and turn the switch to PRint.

Liquid Controls, LLC • A Unit of the IDEX Corporation

105 Albrecht Drive • Lake Bluff, IL 60044-2242 • 1.800.458.5262 •

Scheduled fuelings are fueling assignments (or Dispatch Records) defined

in the office (by FlightConnect Dispatch) and wirelessly sent to the LCR

600. typically, dispatched fueling assignments are received automatically

when the LCR 600 communicates with the office server during power on,

logon, logoff, after fuelings, and/or periodically at a set time span. Dispatch

Records can also be retrieved manually in the Database management

screen. See Database management below.

G a l l o n s

D i s p a t c h R e c o r d s



Tail #/Flight #

Fuel Location:

Aircraft Type:

Fuel Type/Additive

Dispatched Volume

ENTER=Accept R=Reject ESC=Menu 

10/21/15 13:05:58

Big Air


Gate 2


Jet A/No


Indicator Arrows

Additional records available

CompLete a SCheduLed FueLing

1. move the highlighted bar to

Scheduled Fueling and press the EntEr button.

2. if more than one dispatch record is available, use the  and  buttons to page through the dispatch records.

Arrows in the bottom right corner of the screen indicate additional dispatch records are available.

3. to accept the dispatch record displayed on the screen, press the EntEr button to open the new Fueling screen.

To reject and erase the dispatch record displayed on the screen, press the






button then confirm the

rejection in the list box.

4. To edit a fueling data fields in the New Fueling screen, move the highlighted bar to a data field, press the EntEr

button, enter the new value, and press EntEr to accept.

5. turn the lCR 600 selector switch to Run.

6. take the nozzle to the fueling point and fuel the tank.

7. turn the lCR 600 selector switch to PRint to print a record of the fueling.

scheduled fueling

Manual fueling

Manual fuelings allow the fueler to define the data fields before the fueling.

When a manual fueling is selected in the Fueler menu, FlightConnect lCR

600 will display a series of data field screens in which the fueler can enter

specific details of the next fueling.

CompLete a manuaL FueLing

1. in the Fueler menu, move the highlighted bar to

Manual Fueling and press the



2. enter the correct values into the series of fueling screens until the new Fueling

screen appears.

3. To edit a fueling data fields in the New Fueling screen, move the highlighted bar to a data field, press the EntEr

button, enter the new value, and press EntEr to accept.

4. turn the lCR 600 selector switch to Run.

5. take the nozzle to the fueling point and fuel the tank.

6. turn the lCR 600 selector switch to PRint to print a record of the fueling.

G a l l o n s

N e w F u e l i n g



Tail #:

Fuel Location:

Flight #:

Aircraft Type:


Big Air


Gate 2



data tRansfeR

RetRieve updateS FRom the oFFiCe

1. From the Fueler menu, move the highlighted bar to

Database Management and press the EntEr button.

2. move the pointer  to

Retrieve Database Updates from Office, press the EntEr button, move the

highlighted bar to

Yes, and press the EntEr button.

Send tRanSaCtionS to the oFFiCe

1. From the Fueler menu, move the highlighted bar to

Database Management

and press the EntEr button.

2. move the pointer  to

Send Transactions to Office, press the EntEr

button, move the highlighted bar to

Yes, and press the EntEr button.

Send Transactions to Office

Retrieve Database Updates from Office


Next/Previous Screen

Data can be transferred automatically during power on, logon, logoff, after

fuelings, or periodically at a set time interval. After the lCR 600 records the

fueling data, an indicator arrow will appear on the Fueler menu bar until the

transaction data is sent to the office. To manually send or receive data, use

the steps below.