Lectrosonics Venue 3.9 User Manual
Page 3

Digital Hybrid Wireless™ Modular Receiver System
The Venue Narrowband receiver host assembly is a
modular rack mount, DSP-based wireless receiver for
use with a wide variety of transmitters from Lectroson-
System using the USB interface and a Windows
ics and other manufacturers. Versatility and perfor
mance are at the core of the design, with configurations
and options to address an increasingly congested RF
coupler provide additional suppression of RF energy on
adjacent channels.
environment. The narrowband filters used in the multi-
System via external devices using either the USB or
This guide covers the essential steps and settings
needed to get a Venue system up and running. It cov
ers the hardware installation and configuration using
the LCD interface on the receiver, plus the procedures
for configuring a USB port and installing the supplied
LecNet software. The software
A detailed online Help utility is provided in the software
GUI to assist in the setup and operation of the Venue
XP or Vista operating system. In addition, the Help util
ity includes a complete listing of the VR General Com
mands, which are used to setup and operate the Venue
RS232 serial port.
Table of Contents
Rio Rancho, NM