Impulse DSCL21 User Manual
Dscl21, Loop powered isolator - din mount, Dscl

Industrial Loop Isolators and Transmitters
For information call 800-444-7644
Loop Powered Isolator - DIN Mount
Figure 1: DSCL21 Block Diagram
No Power Supply Required, Signal Powered
from 0-20mA (or 4-20mA) Input
Simplified Wiring for Fast Installation
Narrow 12.5mm DIN Package for
High-Density Mounting
No Recalibration or Maintenance Required
500Vrms Transformer Isolation
Prevents Ground-Loop Problems
Prevents the Transfer of Interference
Voltages and Currents
High Accuracy Over Full Span
CE Compliant
Each DSCL21 loop powered isolator provides a single channel of analog
signal protection by electrically isolating its input from output for any DC process
signal in the range of 0-20mA (or 4-20mA). The DSCL21 operates passively,
obtaining its power from the transmitted signal (see Figure 1).
The input signal is chopped by a proprietary DC chopper circuit, isolation is
provided by transformer coupling, a proprietary technique is used to suppress
transmission of common mode spikes or surges, the output signal from the
secondary of the transformer is reconstructed to the original input signal.