Safety precautions definitions – Flowline LU20 EchoTouch User Manual
Page 3

Step Two
Step Three
About this Manual:
includes information on all four versions of the continuous ultra-
sonic level transmitter from Flowline; model LU20-50_1 and
LU20-50_1-IS. Please refer to the part number located on the sen-
sor label to verify the exact model which you have purchased.
User’s Responsibility for Safety:
Flowline manufactures a wide range of liquid level sensors and
technologies. While each of these technologies are designed to
operate in a wide variety of applications, it is the user’s responsi-
bility to select a technology that is appropriate for the application,
install it properly, perform tests of the installed system, and main-
tain all components. The failure to do so could result in property
damage or serious injury.
Proper Installation and Handling:
Because this is an electrically operated device, only properly-
trained staff should install and/or repair this product. Use a proper
sealant with all installations. Note: Always install the 2” Viton gas-
ket with the LU20-5061 and the LU20-5061-IS. The G threaded
version of the Echotouch will not seal unless the gasket is installed
properly. Never overtighten the transmitter within the fitting.
Always check for leaks prior to system start-up.
Wiring and Electrical:
A supply voltage of 12-36 VDC is used to power the LU20-50_1
transmitter and a supply voltage of 12-32 VDC is used to power the
LU20-50_1-IS. The sensor systems should never exceed a maxi-
mum of 36 VDC for the LU20-50_1 and 32 VDC for the LU20-
50_1-IS. Electrical wiring of the sensor should be performed in
accordance with all applicable national, state, and local codes.
Temperature and Pressure:
The LU20 is designed for use in application temperatures from -40
°C (-40 °F) to 60 °C (140 °F), and for use at pressures up to 30 psi
@ 25 °C, derated @ 1.667 psi per °C above 25 °C.
Material Compatibility:
The continuous ultrasonic level transmitter, LU20, is made of two
materials. The enclosure is of Polypropylene (PP) and the trans-
ducer is made of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF). Make sure that
the model which you have selected is chemically compatible with
the application liquids. While the transmitter housing is liquid-
resistant when installed properly, it is not designed to be immersed.
It should be mounted in such a way that it does not normally come
into contact with fluid.
Flammable, Explosive and Hazardous Applications:
Only the LU20-50_1-IS is rated for use in hazardous locations.
Refer to the Certificate of Compliance for all applicable intrinsi-
cally safe ratings and entity parameters for the LU20-50_1-IS.
Refer to the National Electric Code (NEC) for all applicable instal-
lation requirements in hazardous locations. DO NOT USE THE
Make a Fail-Safe System:
Design a fail-safe system that accommodates the possibility of
transmitter or power failure. In critical applications, Flowline rec-
ommends the use of redundant backup systems and alarms in addi-
tion to the primary system.
The 4 mA setting for the
LU20. The EC4 is the distance from
the bottom of the LU20 to the 4 mA
set point. This setting is measured in
either inches or centimeters on the
display. The EC4 setting is typically
greater that the EC20 setting.
The 20 mA setting for the
LU20. The EC20 is the distance
from the bottom of the LU20 to the
20 mA set point. This setting is mea-
sured in either inches or centimeters
on the display. The EC20 setting is
typically greater that the EC4 set-
Fail-Safe setting for the LU20. Use the SAF_
settings to determine a fail-safe mode for the current signal. When
[SAF1] is set, the current will increase to 22 mA if the signal becomes
LOST. When [SAF2] is set, the current will decrease to 4 mA if the
signal becomes LOST. When [SAF3] is set, the current will remain
constant if the signal becomes LOST.
Setting for echo averaging on the LU20. [FAST] is the
typical setting for the LU20 to operate. [SLOW] is designed to help
dampen out effects caused by severe turbulence. In the [FAST] mode,
the LU20 will average 2 signal responses per second and update every
second. In the [SLOW] mode, the LU20 will average signal returns
over the preceding 10 seconds. When used with [SAF 1/2/3], the time
for the current to default is 30 seconds for [FAST] mode and 2.5 min-
utes for [SLOW] mode.
Indicates that the unit is in the Alignment mode. Display will
show the return signal strength in dB’s. Used as an indicator for
mechanical alignment of the LU20 and/or signal attenuation. Typical
readings range between 2 and 60 dB’s. For optimum alignment, first
energize the unit and receive a valid return signal. Then select the
ALIN mode and adjust the LU20 until the display is maximized.
Actual setting for ALIN mode. The ALIN mode must be
turned [OFF] when alignment is completed. This mode will not auto-
matically default back to [LEVL].
Used as an indication for [MAXR] or
maximum range. The MAXR sets the maxi-
mum tank height and will filter out all returns
greater than this value.
Actual MAXR setting.
The maximum distance is 216.0
Used as an indication for
[MINR] or the minimum range.
The MINR value is the deadband
closest to the transducer face where
no signal will be generated. The
MINR sets the minimum distance
between the liquid and the trans-
Actual MINR setting. The minimum distance is 6.0 inches.
20 mA
4 mA