Performing calculations – EXP Computer AudioDrive Ver. 3.0 User Manual
Page 62

Audio Applications 3.0
User Guide
The Talking Calculator
Page 56
Performing Calculations
The calculator is easiest to use with the mouse -- just point to a calculator
number or function button and click it. You can also use the keyboard for
basic operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*),
division (/), and summation (=). As you work, the Talking Calculator speaks
each number and operation you enter, as well as the resulting answer.
To perform a calculation
Enter the first number in the calculation.
Choose the operator you want to use. See the next page for a list of
calculator buttons, their keyboard equivalents, and their functions.
Enter the next number. To erase a digit, click the Back button.
To erase the entire line, click the CE (Clear Entry) button.
To hear and see the result, click the = (equal) button.
From the keyboard, press either the = key or the Enter key.
To erase the entire calculation and start again, click the AC (All Clear) button
or press the Esc key.
Here are some example of calculations:
100 + 8 = 108
100 + 8
2 = 216
100 + 8 + 10 = 118