Ireless, Amera – eLine Technology SNI-CamSetup User Manual

Page 12

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If the user chooses to automatically obtain an IP address. Generally do not need to fill in the other parameters.
"Use the following DNS server addresses option should remain the factory does not start settings.
After completing the settings, click "OK" to save. Network camera will set the connection on the network
Use, you need to enable automatic port mapping.


Network type: PPPoE settings

Network camera through PPPoE to connect to the Internet directly without the need for additional equipment.
Fill in the appropriate user name and password provided by the ISP and once again confirm the password.
After completing the settings, click "OK" to save. Network cameras will be set up to connect to the network.


Wireless Camera

Network Settings section of the wireless camera, wired camera network settings, divided into "wireless" and "wired"

two modes, both modes, the camera can automatically set and manually set.

1) When the camera is in the wireless status, can only use the "wireless" mode To switch to using a wired setup will prompt the
camera in wireless can not switch for wired; (such as video cameras for wireless, select "use the wireless mode)
2) When the camera is wired, both models can be used; (with the use of wired camera)


eLine Sniper Camera Setup Manual