eLine Technology SIP Alarm Settings Guide User Manual

eLine Technology Software

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Before doing the following steps, be sure the testing of hardware (alarm
–in and alarm-out device) is OK.

1: How to receive the alarm-in signals on VMS software?

You can do it as follows:

(1). Configure “Alarm Center”.

Set the IP of the PC where the VMS software runs on as the Alarm Center

Server IP, and set the port it listen to. Port 30004 is used in default.

(2). Listen to the port

Open a socket to listen to the port you set in the last step. If you can receive

the alarm-in signals from the IP camera, you can parse the alarm-in message

as the sample code did in the attachment. The sample code bind the local PC

and listen to 30004, you can modify it.

a. Our NVMS software listens to port 30004 in default. If you select this
port as the alarm port, you

’d better close NVMS when testing in order to

avoiding port conflict.
b. We can mainly deal with two types of alarm: I/O and motion detection.
If you want to test the I/O alarm, you

’d better disable the motion


2. How to make the alarm-out work after receive the alarm-in signals?