Remote control – AmpliVox SW915 User Manual
Page 7

The remote control for the SW915 can be used to operate the controls from only the backside (control side). The remote control will
operate the SW915 from a distance of up to 50 feet. Must be in direct line of sight for best results. 2 "AA" batteries are included. Vel-
cro is included to attach your remote to the SW915.
Tape - Press this button to select the
(OPTIONAL) Cassette Player/Recorder
for audio adjustments.
Channels—Select the numbered
Channel Control Button to adjust that
’s audio . These channels refer
to the Combo and 1/8 mini jacks.
Level—Adjusts the level of the selected
function. Press to raise level and lower
level. Level adjustments are for the se-
lected function such as volume.
Function- Used to scroll through func-
tions for selection.
Master Volume- A short cut key that al-
lows quick adjustment of Master Volume.
Just press this key and then the level keys
to adjust the Master Volume.
Mute All- Press this button to mute
ALL audio output ( Panic button).
Bass Control- Press this button and bass
will be displayed. Then use level button to
Treble Control- Press this button and treble
will be displayed. Then use level button to
Voice/Music - Press this button to toggle
between voice and music. In the Voice posi-
tion, the vocal frequencies are enhanced to
produce louder and clearer vocals. These
effects are absent in the music position to
“uncolored” music to be heard.
Auxiliary - Press this button to select the
Auxiliary function controlling the red/
white RCA inputs.
CD - Press this button to select the CD
player for audio adjustments and CD
player controls.
MP3- Press this button to select the
(OPTIONAL) Digital Player/Recorder for
audio adjustments.
Wireless - Press these buttons to select a
wireless receiver for audio adjustments.
Not Used
Slower-Slows down (in steps)
the selection being played on
the CD player.
Folder-US B device and SD
Card only; Changes the folder
number to be played.
Source-Switches the source between the
CD player, US B input and SD card input.
Random-Plays the selections on the CD,
US B device or SD card back at random.
Repeat-Restarts the CD, US B device or
SD card from the beginning of the first se-
lection after the last selection has been
Temporarily stops, or
“pauses” the selection
being played. Press this key
again to resume playing the
Record-Not applicable at this
Voiceover-Ducking (use LEVEL button
to adjust selection)
Level- Press this button and Ducking
Level will be displayed.
Ducking Delay: Press this button and
Delay will be displayed.
Threshold selection- Press this button
and Threshold will be displayed.
Ducking Channel Selector- Press this
button to toggle between Wired Chanel
One and Wireless Channel One.
Reverb-(use LEVEL button to adjust
Level- Press this button and Reverb Level
will be displayed.
Delay - Press this button and Delay Level
will be displayed.
Faster-Speeds up (in steps) the selection
being played on the Cd player.
Backs up the current selection to an
earlier point in the recording. Press the
(play) button to stop backing up and resume
playing from the point the backup process
was stopped.
Stop the selection being played. Press
once to stop and keep the selection at the
point where it was stopped, and when the
(play) button is pressed, the selection will
resume at the point where it was stopped.
Press twice to completely stop the CD from
playing. Pressing the (play) button will start
the CD from the beginning of the first selec-
tion on the disk.
Moves the current selection up to a later
point in the recording. Press the (play)
button to stop moving forward and resume
playing from the point the forwarding process
was stopped.
Normal-Returns the playing speed to nor-
mal if the selection is being played faster or
Go back to the beginning of the previous
Plays the current selection when
Go to the beginning of the next selection.
Not Used
Not Used