Unit address switch settings, Installation process and documentation, Rs-232 control wiring – Contemporary Research ICC1-232 RS-232 User Manual

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Contemporary Research


ICC1-232 Manual

Unit Address Switch Settings

The unique address of the controller is the combination of the values of the Zone (S2) and Unit (S1) switches. For

example, the first controller in Zone 1 would be set to Zone 1 (256) in S2 and 1 (1) on S2, or 257. To control all

the displays in Zone one, Display Express sends a command to device 256. To control just the first unit, create a

Preset addressed to 257.

Installation Process and Documentation

Most dealers will pre-configure the controller’s address before hanging displays. After setting the address, use a

label that states the unit’s address and location. Some use this method:

Room 305 - 515 - 12/2

The first identifies the location/name of the display. The second shows the specific address. The last set shows the

switches in S1/S2 that are set to ON.

It’s a good idea to define all this first in a spreadsheet, with the columns defining the name, address, S1 and S2

ON settings. Then, one person can set up all the controllers and label them.

Once the controller is configured and labeled, it’s easier for less-trained installers to Velcro the controller on the

back of the display, provide power, and hang the displays.

It’s much easier to pre-configure ahead of time than perform the task once the displays are installed.

RS-232 Control Wiring

1. Connect the CC-232 cable from the ICC1-232 to the display.

2. Mount the ICC1-232 to the TV using included Velcro tape.

3. Connect DC power to unit.

For those who make their own cables:

Pin 5 = Ground (GND)

Pin 2 = Receive (RX)

Pin 3 = Transmit (TX)