Options and accessories – ClimaCool UCR Remote Air Cooled User Manual
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Options and Accessories
Options and Accessories
Motorized or Manual Water Isolation Valves and Flush
Factory installed water isolation valves and fl ush ports
shall provide isolation to the module for maintenance
and cleaning of evaporator heat exchangers while
adjacent modules continue normal operation. Both
motorized and manual valves include standard ¾” fi ll
and fl ush valves. Available choices include:
• One each motorized valve for evaporator with one each
manual valve for the evaporator
• Two each manual valves for the evaporator
Hot Gas Bypass
Factory installed on both circuits allowing unit operation
below the minimum step of unloading.
Sound Attenuation Panels
Field installed panel enclosures made of 18 gauge sheet
metal with powder coat paint fi nish and fi berglass
Pressure Diff erential Flow Switch
Field installed to prevent operation of chiller without
cient water fl ow to evaporator.
Manual Strainers
Field installed strainers are external to the chiller bank to
increase effi
ciency and ensure long life of the modules.
A minimum 60 mesh stainless steel screen is required to
protect the evaporator circuit.
Automatic CS Series Strainer Package
Field installed high quality stainless steel fi ltration
systems with minimum 60 mesh stainless steel screens.
Available options include pressure diff erential alarm and
automatic time fl ush.