Application data – ClimaCool UCR Remote Air Cooled User Manual
Page 18
General Unit Application
Ultimate Series Remote Air Cooled Chillers are designed
for ease of indoor applications. The modules low center
of gravity, cut outs for forklifts or pallet jacks and a 34
¼” width, allows easy maneuverability through standard
36” doorways and into freight elevators. Modules are
simple to install and assemble and can be fi eld-coupled
on site to meet large tonnage requirements.
Unit Handling and Rigging
Each module may be lifted by using a fork truck, pallet
jack or lifting straps and spreader bars. Each module has
rigging points identifi ed in our Installation, Operation &
Maintenance manual.
Foundation for Unit Placement
The minimum foundation requirement for the ClimaCool
chiller is a level surface capable of bearing the combined
weight of the modules. ClimaCool recommends locking
down the chiller to a concrete base, or to three 4”
base mounting rails, using six bolt holes provided in
each base pan. Although the compressors are installed
on anti-vibration mountings, further isolation of the
chiller from the structure is recommended by installing
vibration eliminating springs or pads.
Space and Location Requirements
The chillers are designed for indoor installation. For
minimum recommended and required distances, refer
to the Recommended Service Clearance and Bank
Dimension drawing on page 14.
Water Flow Rates
It is imperative that minimum and maximum water
fl ow rate requirements are followed. Minimum and
maximum water fl ow rates are defi ned in the Physical
Data table on page 6 of this manual. Pressure diff erential
fl ow switches are required to confi rm fl ow of the chilled
water piping to the chiller.
Electrical Connections
The power for all individual modules shall be in
compliance with all local and national codes. The
electrical service enters the individual units through the
top into the units control panel enclosure. A separate
115 volt power supply is required to power the CoolLogic
Master Control Panel. Refer to the Power Distribution
schematic on page 23 of this manual.
Chilled Water Temperature Limits
Modules are designed for a leaving water temperature
range from 40°F to 62°F. All cataloged modules can
operate safely in this range without the need of
special controls or glycol additives. Leaving water
temperatures below 40°F can result in evaporator
suction temperatures below the freezing point of water.
Therefore, a glycol solution additive is required that
will protect the evaporator from freeze ups at lower
operating suction temperatures. The full range of
leaving chiller fl uid using glycol is 20°F to 62°F.
ClimaCool requires quality strainers with a minimum
of 60 mesh stainless steel screen to protect the chilled
water sides of the system. Installation of a strainer will:
• Increase
• Reduce abrasion and wear
• Ensure longer equipment life
• Provide greater return on your investment
• Filtration enhances the action of your water
treatment program
Condenser – Remote Air Cooled
Each module is designed to be fi eld piped to a matching
remote air cooled condenser. The remote air cooled
condensers shall be constructed with galvanized steel
casing, independent refrigeration circuits, 1140 RPM
direct drive propeller and copper tube/aluminum fi n
condenser coils. Custom built control panel to interface
with CoolLogic Master Control System.
Application Data