Usb instant dvd helpful hints – ADS Technologies USB Instant DVD User Manual
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USB Instant DVD Helpful Hints:
What is the minimum VGA setting?
Recommended screen resolution is 1024 x 768 or higher. This resolution will allow you to properly display the full
resolution MPEG-2 video which is 704 x 480 (NTSC) or 704 x 576 (PAL). Color depth can be set to 16 bit or
higher depending upon Graphic card capabilities?
Video will not preview or is very slow, or gets slow after a few minutes.
Check your display (VGA) settings. If you are set to 1024 x 768 at 32 bit or higher, you may be using your entire
graphic card memory for display and don’t have enough resources for the video overlay. Solution: decrease
color depth to 16 bit.
Where the Capture Wizard?
Click on “Start” -> “Programs” -> “ADS Tech Instant DVD” and then click on “Capwiz”
When I playback captured video in Video Studio or Windows Media Player, it has lines across the
screen- it looks interlaced.
This is normal. The MPEG-2 decoder used in Video Studio or Windows Media Player does not de-interlace
MPEG-2 during preview. Video at times will look interlaced or have lines across the screen. Don’t worry, there is
nothing wrong with the video you captured. Your final video project will look great. Try playing the same clip in
PowerDVD or out to a TV and you will see it looks fine.
Can I connect Instant DVD to a USB Hub?
We recommend that you connect directly to the USB Port on the motherboard or a USB PCI add-in card such
as our (USBX-500) 2 Port USB Port card or USB Turbo 2.0 (USBX-2000) to ensure full available USB bandwidth.
You can connect to a “Self Powered” USB Hub (this means that is has it’s own power supply) and Instant DVD
will work fine as long as you don’t have too many devices running at the same time. Our recommendation is the
USB Ultra Hub 4 (USBH-604).
You cannot connect Instant DVD to a Bus Powered Hub (Hub without it’s own external power supply).
Disconnect USB Scanners or other devices that may be using USB bandwidth even if you aren’t using the
device. We have seen some USB scanners and printers interrupt the USB connection for other devices.
I hear an echo sound when I capture video.
Check your sound card capabilities and be sure that it is full duplex. Full duplex means that it has the capability
to record and playback audio at the same time.
Check your audio mixer settings. If you have connected the Instant DVD audio cable to “Line-In” be sure that the
Volume or Playback mixer has the line-in muted. Also, check that you have the “Line-In” selected as your
recording source in the Record Mixer. Detailed instructions are in your user guide.
6/4/2002, 12:24 PM