ADS Technologies USB Instant DVD User Manual

Page 53

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You can also begin by creating an empty
project file using New Project.

To create a new project using New Project:

1. Click New Project in the Options Panel or the

Start menu arrow and select New Project.

2. Click Browse to select a working folder where

all your captured/project files will be located.
You can also click Settings and Commands:
. Enter a folder name to create a
subfolder in this location.

3. Choose a template from Available project

templates which includes all templates you
created previously.
Select the one that most closely matches the
type of movie you want to create. Custom-
ized templates have been created for Instant
DVD so you can easily select the format
based on your desired video project type; i.e.
VCD, SVCD or DVD. For DVD movies you
can select the capture bit rate of 3, 4 or 5 Mb/
sec. (Megabit). The project template you
choose will automatically select the video
resolution, video format (MPEG-1 or MPEG-
2) and capture data rate for the video that
you will capture for your video project.

4. Click OK.

To open an existing project:

1. Click Open Project or the Start menu arrow

and select Open Project.

2. Select the project file (*.VSP) you want to

open. If you are not sure where the file is,
use Browse and then click Scan. This finds
all *.VSP files under your assigned folder or

3. Click Open.

Note:A faster way to open an existing project is to click it

in the Recent file list. VideoStudio, however,
cannot open a project that has been moved or



6/4/2002, 12:23 PM