ADS Technologies ELT-201 User Manual

Installation summary, Usb instant dvd capture wizard

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INSTANT DVD 2.0 Page 16

INSTANT DVD 2.0 Page 17

8. Installation Summary

By now you should have completed the following:

1.) Made all of the Audio and Video connections between Instant DVD and your Audio/Video equipment.

2.) Connected Instant DVD to the Power Supply and USB Port on your PC.

3.) Installed USB drivers and verified the device is properly installed

4.) Installed all necessary software applications required for proper operation.

5.) Now you are ready to Start Making DVD Movies.

8. Start Making DVD Movies

Now you are ready to start capturing video. We have created the Capture Wizard application to allow you to quickly

capture and export video on your PC without learning how to edit video or author a DVD. Use the Capture Wizard

application to test video capture and playback of video before moving on to Video Studio 7 or DVD Movie Factory.

We have created a simple getting started Wizard that allows you to verify your connections and make the proper

setup choices before capturing video.

USB Instant DVD Capture Wizard

Step One: Open Cap Wiz.

Click the Cap Wiz icon on your Desktop

Or Click “Start” -> “Programs” -> “ADS Tech Instant DVD” and click on


Choose worldwide video standard based on country – For Users in North

America, you will select NTSC. For Users in Europe and many other coun-

tries you will select PAL.

For more information on these standards, click on “Learn more about world-

wide video standards”

Step Two: Select Video Inputs &Outputs

Choose RCA or S-Video based on your video source