Plug it in & install device drivers and software – ADS Technologies USB Instant DVD User Manual

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3. Plug It In & Install Device Drivers and Software

In this section you will Connect USB Instant DVD to your PC and Install Software Drivers. Please
read through this section first, then go back and follow these step by step instructions to connect
your USB Instant DVD and install device drivers and software applications:

Check Contents - Wire it Up! - Plug It In! - Install Software - Verify Installation - Set Audio Mixer - Installation Summary

1. Insert USB Instant DVD CD -
(Apple Quick time is required for our installers
to run. If you don’t have Quicktime Installed, it
will install automatically. Click Next on every
screen. No user name, registration or serial
number is required)

2. Once you see the Instant DVD installation
screen, Plug the power cable into your USB
Instant DVD, then plug it into a power source.
Now, plug your USB cable into USB Instant
DVD and your PC
. Windows will recognize the
device and ask you for the drivers. Let
Windows conduct an automatic search for the
drivers. The drivers are located in the root
directory of your USB Instant DVD CD. Win-
dows will install the drivers.

For WINDOWS XP users:
Click Continue at this
dialog box.

3. Now that you have installed the device, Click
the Capture Wizard button
to install the key
software components that make Instant DVD
work as well as the CapWiz capture and
playback application.
a.) If you do not have Microsoft’s DirectX 8.1
installed, it will install automatically. DirectX
8.1 is required for proper operation of your
Instant DVD. Installation of DirectX 8.1 re-
quires a re-start of your computer.
b.) If your computer restarted, Click “My
Computer” on your desktop. Double click the

CD Drive icon to bring back the Instant DVD
Installation screen.
c.) Continue installing the key bundled
software on to your system; Video Studio 6 and
MyDVD. We recommend installing MyDVD last
because it also requests you to restart your
system when the installation is complete.

CapWiz manual.p65

6/4/2002, 12:21 PM