Disclaimer, Important warnings and cautions, Legend – CHIEF JWDIW Series User Manual

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JWDIW Series

Installation Instructions



Milestone AV Technologies, Inc., and its affiliated corporations
and subsidiaries (collectively, "Milestone"), intend to make this
manual accurate and complete. However, Milestone makes no
claim that the information contained herein covers all details,
conditions or variations, nor does it provide for every possible
contingency in connection with the installation or use of this
product. The information contained in this document is subject
to change without notice or obligation of any kind. Milestone
makes no representation of warranty, expressed or implied,
regarding the information contained herein. Milestone assumes
no responsibility for accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of
the information contained in this document.

Chief® and Centris™ are trademarks of Milestone AV
Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.




A WARNING alerts you to the possibility of

serious injury or death if you do not follow the instructions.


A CAUTION alerts you to the possibility of

damage or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the
corresponding instructions.


Failure to read, thoroughly understand, and

follow all instructions can result in serious personal injury,
damage to equipment, or voiding of factory warranty! It is the
installer’s responsibility to make sure all components are
properly assembled and installed using the instructions


Failure to provide adequate structural strength

for this component can result in serious personal injury or
damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to
make sure the structure to which this component is attached
can support five times the combined weight of all equipment.
Reinforce the structure as required before installing the


Exceeding the weight capacity can result in

serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the
installer’s responsibility to make sure the combined weight of
all components attached to this accessory does not exceed
75 lbs (34 kg).


Tighten Fastener

Apretar elemento de fijación

Befestigungsteil festziehen

Apertar fixador

Serrare il fissaggio

Bevestiging vastdraaien

Serrez les fixations

Loosen Fastener

Aflojar elemento de fijación

Befestigungsteil lösen

Desapertar fixador

Allentare il fissaggio

Bevestiging losdraaien

Desserrez les fixations

Hex-Head Wrench

Llave de cabeza hexagonal


Chave de cabeça sextavada

Chiave esagonale


Clй а tête hexagonale

Phillips Screwdriver

Destornillador Phillips


Chave de fendas Phillips

Cacciavite a stella


Tournevis à pointe cruciforme