About automix, What’s recorded in an automix, Automix pages – ALESIS 03D User Manual

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Chapter 16—Automix

03D—Owner’s Manual

About Automix

The 03D’s Automix function provides dynamic mix automation referenced to an exter-
nal timecode source. The external timecode can be either MTC or MIDI Clock. The
automix start time can be offset relative to the external timecode. Automix can be used
to record and playback fader moves, channel mutes, EQ changes, pan, and more. In
addition, mix scene, EQ, channel, effects, and dynamics library recalls can be included
in an automix, combining snap shot and dynamic automixing. Mix changes recorded
in an automix are called events. Recorded events can be edited off-line. Fader moves can
be edited on-the-fly, or off-line using the trim function. The undo function can be used
to revert to the previous automix after making changes that you do not want to keep.
Channels set as safe channels are excluded from automix playback.

What’s Recorded in an Automix?

The following mix parameters can be recorded in an automix.

The following parameters are not recorded in an automix: surround mode selection,
input attenuators (EQ page), Bus to ST pan and on/off, aux pair pan, and 3+2+1 sur-
round subwoofer trim. To change these parameters in an automix, store the desired set-
ting in a mix scene and use the automix to recall that scene. Input attenuator and aux
pair pan settings can also be stored in a channel program, which can be recalled by the

Automix Pages

The Automix function has five display pages: Main, Memory, Fader Edit, Event Edit,
and Extract. These are accessed using the [AUTOMIX] button. Common operations
are performed on the Main page shown below, which includes transport controls.

Fader moves

Normal CH faders, CH AUX sends, & CH Effect sends

Channel Mutes

Channel [ON] buttons




Pan, balance, surround pan


Scene memory recalls. Channel, EQ, effects, and dynamics library
recalls. Scene recall safe channel settings. Transmitted MIDI Program