Castle TSM-21 Serial 61064 and lower (Mead) Operator Manual User Manual
Page 22

Put a board against one of the safety buttons and the hit the foot pedal. Air should now be
flowing from the “air out” side of the valve.
Repeat these steps a few times to ensure all contaminates are expelled, then insert
remaining line back into the “air out” side of the valve
Turn routers back on and cut a test pocket.
The router comes up and cuts the pocket but the
clamp doesn’t release
If the clamp doesn’t release and the drill doesn’t come out then the router
stop switch may have failed.
Solution Steps:
Test the continuity of the reed (wired) side of the switch for failure. (Refer to the Safety
Switch Solution Steps for instruction on how to test for continuity) If no continuity is
registered, replace the reed (wired) side of the switch.
If continuity is registered then the magnet (no wires) needs to be adjusted approximately
a 1/16” further away from the reed side. (Figure 17)
Figure 17
This is a trial and error adjustment. If you attempt to cycle the machine after an
adjustment and the router never comes out but the drill does, then you have moved the
magnet too far away from the reed side. Adjust the magnet until you get the machine to
cycle normally.