Burke Flooring EcoFitness Interlocking Tile Installation User Manual
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Burke Flooring Products, a Division of Burke Industries
2250 South Tenth Street, San Jose CA 95112
(408) 297-3500
For best installation, any sub-floor should be reasonably flat and free of holes or variances of more
than 1/8” (3.17mm) per 10 lineal feet.
All sub-floors should be structurally sound and fully cured for 45 to 60 days. If using
adhesive, test floor for vapor drive in accordance with anhydrous calcium chloride test. Vapor drive
should not exceed the industry standard of <3.0 lbs. per 1,000 square feet (1.36kg/100sq m) in 24
Repair concrete and install joint sealants and fillers as necessary.
A. Concrete
New concrete must be allowed to cure thoroughly prior to installation (45 to 60 days). Old concrete
must be repaired and have joint sealants and fillers installed as necessary. All cracks or flaws should
be filled in or repaired prior to covering with rubber products. Use cementituous based patching
materials with a minimum of 3,500 psi as appropriate.
Surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, grease, or other foreign matter.
B. Wood Base
Wood surfaces should be completely cleaned of dirt, dust, grease or other foreign matter and be
completely dry prior to installation. Trapped moisture may rot the wood. Nails or other protrusions
should be pounded down or removed, holes repaired, and surface variances repaired within the 1/8”
(3.17mm) per 10 lineal foot acceptable variance level.
C. Over Rock Base
Begin preparing the surface 2-3” (50-76mm) below the level of the finished floor. Fill prepared
area with 3/4” (19mm) minus crushed gravel, decomposed granite or limestone product. Tamp fill
down to 2-3” (50-76mm) thickness, so that it is near level with the area of installation, minus the
thickness of the rubber surfacing.
Indoors: Sweep, sponge mop or vacuum rubber flooring for everyday maintenance.
Outdoors: Use of a water hose, leaf blower or broom is usually sufficient. Use the Neutral pH Cleaner
& Degreaser with a sponge mop and water for more extensive cleaning.
DO NOT USE Petroleum Based Products to Clean Rubber Flooring.