Burke Flooring EcoFitness Rubber Sheet Rolls Installation User Manual

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Burke Flooring Products, a Division of Burke Industries

2250 South Tenth Street, San Jose CA 95112

(408) 297-3500

4. Repeat steps above for remaining rolls. For subsequent roll placement,

chalk lines can be used to define the areas of installation, but is not as
crucial as with the initial piece. To insure a tight fitting seam when butting

one roll up to another, overlap the seam by 1/8”. Working from one end,
work the overlapping roll down into the seam. If a gap appears, lift the roll
and overlap the roll to before the gap and repeat the process. If rippling
appears on the far side of the overlapping roll, remove this by stretching the
material by pulling or a kicking motion. Always insure a tight fitting seam

prior to applying adhesive. Prior to curing, the adhesive will not have
enough grab to fix a misaligned seam. Never apply tape to the surface of the
flooring as it may leave a residue on the surface when removed.

5. After the room has been laid out and allowed to fully acclimate to the room

and floor temperature, trim the roll lengths as required for an exact fit.
Beginning with a roll aligned along a front edge or wall; pull the roll back
half of its length. Apply adhesive as described below. Lay the flooring back
down being careful not to form any air pockets. Repeat for the other half of

the roll and move on to adjacent rolls. When laying the other rolls, be sure
to overlap the seams by 1/8” and force the overlap into the seam. Be careful
not to allow the overlapping part to touch the adhesive first. Thoroughly roll
the floor with a 50-100# roller to assure bonding of the rubber to the
adhesive. Be careful not to shift the roll while rolling. Rolling should be

done again at 30 and 60 minutes after initial placement of the roll into the
adhesive. Roll in both directions, width and lengthwise to insure maximum

6. Adhesive should be applied thinly and evenly with 3/16”x1/4”x1/4” V

trowel. Clean up excess and tools with mineral spirits, but don’t allow
mineral spirits to contact rubber. Any adhesive coming up through seams
should be cut away. Allow 48 hours curing time for the adhesive before
traffic is on the floor.

7. Outdoors

Outdoor installations typically require complete adhesion for maximum floor
strength. Use same procedures as for Indoor applications. Using seam
sealers will also add strength and immobility to the floor (if using a seam

sealant, leave 1/8” gap between rolls). Take note of outdoor temperature
when using adhesive, as it will affect the curing time. In some areas,
nighttime installations may work better.


1. Protect unopened containers from heat and direct sunshine. Store

containers in temperatures of 70-75F for at least 24 hours before

2. Wear gloves and remove any wet adhesive you get on your skin with a dry

rag immediately.