Burke Flooring EcoFitness Rubber Sheet Rolls Installation User Manual

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Burke Flooring Products, a Division of Burke Industries

2250 South Tenth Street, San Jose CA 95112

(408) 297-3500

EcoFitness should be installed by professional, experienced installers. These
instructions are meant as a guide, and proper installation is the responsibility of
the installer.

EcoFitness rolled rubber must reach room temperature to ensure a secure, tight
installation with minimal size fluctuation. Each piece should be completely
unrolled and allowed to set at room temperature for a full 24 hours prior to

beginning installation. This allows the product to relax from being rolled and to
size-stabilize at the typical room temperature. Inspect product thoroughly prior to
installing, checking for defects.

Only Approved Adhesives Must Be Used For Warranty to Apply:
BR 721™ Epoxy Adhesive – Solvent Free
BR 710 One Part Urethane Adhesive – Solvent Free

I. Storage
A. Check rolls for completeness of order. Check for correct color and description.
B. Store rolls off the ground and out of the elements. Do not stack skids, or stack
other materials on rolls.
C. Prior to installation, the rolls and adhesive must be conditioned to an ambient

temperature at the actual job site of not less than 59°F (14°C) to not more than
85ºF (29ºC) for at least 48 hours. In severe climates an 8 day conditioning period
may be necessary.

II. Sub-floor Preparation - For Additional Required Information, refer to ASTM F-
710 - Practice for Preparing Concrete and Other Monolithic Floors to Receive
Resilient Flooring.

A. Concrete Sub-floor

1. On-grade and below-grade sub-floors must be protected against ground

moisture with a properly installed membrane type moisture barrier.

New concrete sub-floors should be allowed to cure a minimum of 30 days.

2. Sufficient moisture test sampling should be made. The emission of moist

vapor from the slab should not exceed 3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. per 24 hours.

Perform RMC/Calcium Chloride test to test for proper dryness conditions.

1. RMA/Calcium Chloride Moisture Test
2. The RMA moisture test provides a specific moisture reading for a limited

area of the concrete slab. This procedure is the preferred way to judge the
moisture content of the concrete substrate in question. Test kits can be