Appendix e – ecu communications, Receiving sdc3 data – MoTeC SDC3 User Manual
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Appendix E – ECU Communications
The SDC3 can communicate with the MoTeC WRX V910 OEM ECU using the factory CAN bus.
Receiving SDC3 Data
To receive SDC3 data, one of the ECU CAN setup slots must be configured in ECU Manager as ‘M800 ECU
Receive’ on CAN ID 500 under Adjust
Æ General SetupÆCommunicationsÆCAN Setup.
If the CAN Setup is configured, data from the SDC3 can be assigned to ECU channels using inputs ECU2 1 to
ECU2 12 in the Adjust
ÆSensor SetupÆInput Setup window in ECU Manager.
The following data is sent from the SDC3 to the ECU:
SDC3 Data
ECU Input
Vehicle Speed
ECU2 1
0.1 km/h
Front Wheel Speed
ECU2 2
0.1 km/h
Rear Wheel Speed
ECU2 3
0.1 km/h
Yaw Rate
ECU2 4
0.1 deg/sec
Lateral G
ECU2 5
0.001 G
Longitudinal G
ECU2 6
0.001 G
Slip Lock %
ECU2 7
0.1 %
Lock %
ECU2 8
0.1 %
Steering Wheel Angle
ECU2 9
1 deg
Fault Flags
ECU2 10
Bit field
Diag Flags
ECU2 11
Bit field
SDC Mode
ECU2 12
0 to 5
The ECU Manager examples below show the allocation of SDC3 channels to ECU speed and user channels.