B&K Precision 1249B - Manual User Manual

Page 27

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Connect another cable from the COMP SYNC output
jack to the external trigger input of the oscilloscope.


Select the external triggering mode on the oscilloscope.


A sweep rate of about 10µs/div is appropriate for
viewing horizontal tines of composite video, 2 ms/div
for viewing vertical fields, and 5 ms/div for viewing
vertical frames. The sweep vernier may be used for tine
adjustment of the waveform display.


For maximum flexibility, all output jacks may be used

simultaneously if desired. This can be a valuable aid in many
applications. These outputs are summarized as follows:

The COMPOSITE VIDEO output is continuously

available when the instrument is operating. The video
component of the signal is dependent upon the selected

The IF/RF output is continuously available when the

instrument is operating. It may be set to operate on
channel 3, channel 4, or i-f frequencies. It is modulated
by the same signal that appears at the COMPOSITE
output jack (however. level is fixed and sync
pulse is negative going), although the modulated 4.5MHz
subcarrier can be added.

The COMP SYNC, Vs, Hs, and 30 Hz are also

continuously available. The COMP SYNC output
supplies negative polarity sync, and the Vs and Hs sync
outputs supply positive polarity signals. The 30Hz
signals is a TTL level square wave useful for video
recorder troubleshooting.