Specifications – B&K Precision 4084-4087 - Datasheet User Manual
Page 2

Included Accessories: BNC to alligator cable, BNC to BNC cable, RS232 communication cable,
power line cord, test report, spare fuse
w w w.bk prec ision.c om
Programmable DDS Function Generator Series
Models 4084, 4085, 4086 & 4087
Frequ ency Characte ristics
1µHz ~ 20MHz 1µHz ~ 40MHz 1µHz ~ 80MHz 1µHz ~120MHz
1µHz ~ 20MHz 1µHz ~ 40MHz 1µHz ~ 40MHz 1µHz ~40MHz
All Other waveforms
1µHz ~ 100kHz
Frequency Stability
(22°C ±5°C)
≤ ± 5x10
(22°C ±5°C)
Data entry Units
s, ms, Hz, kHz, MHz
Wave for m Characteris tics
Main Waveforms (Sine, Square)
Amplitude resolution
12 bits
Sample Rate
Harmonic Distortion
≤ - 50dBc (frequency ≤ 5MHz)
of Sine Wave*
≤ - 45dBc (frequency ≤ 10MHz)
≤ - 40dBc (frequency ≤ 20MHz)
≤ - 35dBc (frequency ≤ 40MHz)
≤ - 30dBc (frequency > 40MHz)
0.1% (20Hz ~ 100kHz)
Rise and fall time*
≤ 15ns
* = Note: Test conditions for harmonic distortion, sine distortion,
rise/fall time Output Amplitude 2Vp-p, Environmental temperature: 25°C±5°C
Others built-in waveforms
27 build-in standard and
Sine, Square, Triangle, Positive Ramp, Falling Ramp,
complex waveforms
Noise, Pulse, Positive Pulse, Negative Pulse, Positive
DC, Negative DC, Stair wave, Coded Pulse, Full wave
rectified, Half-wave rectified, Sine transverse cut, Sine
vertical cut, Sine phase modulation, Logarithmic,
Exponential, Half-round, Sinx/x, Square root, Tangent,
Cardiac, Earthquake, Combination
Waveform Length
4096 dots
Amplitude Resolution
10 bits
Duty Cycle
0.1% ~ 99.9% (below 10kHz),
1% ~ 99% (10kHz ~ 100kHz)
Rise/Fall Time
≤ 100ns (Duty Cycle 20%)
DC signal characteristics
DC range
≤ 10mV – 10V (high impedance)
DC Accuracy
≤ ±5% of setting +10mV (high impedance)
Non volatile memory
8 waveforms
Waveform length
8~16000 points
Amplitude resolution
10 bits
Frequency range
Sample rate
A mplitu de Characteristics
Amplitude Range
For all models Freq ≤ 40MHz: 2mV ~ 20Vpp (open circuit) , 1mV ~ 10Vpp (50Ω)
4084, 4085, 4086 Freq > 40MHz: 2mV ~ 4Vp-p (open circuit), 1mV ~ 2Vpp (50Ω)
4087 Freq > 40MHz: 0.1mV ~ 3Vpp (50Ω)
2µVpp (open circuit), 1µVpp (50Ω)
± 1%+0.2mV (sine wave relative to 1kHz)
±0.5 % /3 hours
For amplitude ≤ 2Vpp
±3% (freq≤ 5MHz), ±10% (5MHz For amplitude >2Vpp: ±5% (freq≤ 5MHz), ±10% (5MHz ±20% (frequency>20MHz) ±1dBm (frequency>40MHz) Output Impedance 50Ω Output Units Vpp, mVpp, Vrms, mVrms, dBm DC Offset Characteristics Offset Range (open circuit) Freq ≤ 40MHz: ±10Vpk ac+dc (Offset ≤ 2 x pk - pk amplitude) Freq > 40MHz: ±2Vpk ac+dc (Offset ≤ 2 x pk - pk amplitude) Offset Resolution 2µV (open circuit), 1µV (50Ω) Offset Error ±5% of setting +10mV (Ampl. ≤ 2Vpp into open circuit) ±5% of setting +20mV (Ampl. > 2Vpp into open circuit) Three-Year Warranty Modu lation AM Characteristics Carrier Waveforms Sine or Square Modulation Source Internal or external Internal Modulating Waveform Sine, Square, Triangle, Rising/Falling Ramp Frequency of modulating signal 100µHz ~ 20kHz Distortion ≤ 2% Modulation Depth 1% ~ 120%, 1% ~ 80% (frequency>40MHz, Modulation Error ± 5%+0.2% (100µHz < frequency ≤ 10kHz) Max. Amplitude of ext. input signal 3Vp-p (-1.5V~ +1.5V) FM Characteristics Carrier Waveforms Sine or Square Modulation Source Internal or external Internal Modulating Waveform Sine, Square, Triangle, Rising/Falling Ramp Frequency of modulating signal 100µHz ~ 10kHz Deviation Max. 50% of carrier frequency for internal FM FSK Characteristics Carrier Waveform Sine or Square Control ModeI Internal or external trigger (external: TTL level, FSK Rate 0.1ms ~ 800s PSK Characteristics Carrier Waveform Sine or Square PSK Phase1 (P1) and Phase 2 (P2), range: 0.0 ~ 360.0° Resolution 0.1° PSK rate 0.1ms ~ 800s Control Mode Internal or external trigger (external: TTL level, Burst Characteristics Waveform Sine or Square Burst Counts 1 ~ 10000 cycles Time interval between bursts 0.1ms ~ 800s Control Mode Internal, single or external gated trigger Frequency Sweep Characteristics Waveform Sine or Square Sweep Time 1ms ~ 800s (linear), 100ms ~ 800s (log) Sweep Mode Linear or Logarithmic Start/ Stop Frequency Same as frequency range of Sine & Square External trigger signal frequency DC ~ 1kHz (linear) DC~10Hz (log) Internal or external trigger I npu ts/ Outputs Main Output Impedance 50Ω Protection Short circuit and overload protected Output MOD OUT Frequency 100Hz ~ 20kHz Waveform Sine, Square, Triangle, Rising/Falling Ramp Amplitude 5Vp-p ± 5% Output Impedance 600Ω Modulation IN 3Vpp = 100% Modulation External Input Trig/FSK/Burst Level - TTL Univ ersal Cou nter, Ke y Specs* Frequency Range Frequency Measurement 1Hz ~ 100MHz Totalize mode 50MHz max * For full specification of the counter section, refer to online manual at www.bkprecision.com AC Input 198~242V or 99~121V, Frequency: 47~ 63Hz Power Consumption <35VA State Storage Memory Storage Parameters frequency, amplitude, waveform, DC offset values, Storage Capacity 10 user configurable stored states Dimensions (W x H x D) 10” x 3.93” x 14.56” (255 x 100 x 370 ) mm Weight 6.6 lbs (3 kg) Remote Interface RS232 Safety designed according to EN61010 EMC tested according to EN55022, EN55024, EN61326, EN601000
Ampl > 2Vpp into open circuit)
±10%+2% (10kHz < frequency ≤ 20kHz)
Max 100kHz (carrier frequency≥ 5MHz) for external
FM, with input signal voltage 3Vp-p (-1.5V~+1.5V)
low level F1, high level F2)
low level P1, high level P2)
Control Mode
Ge neral
modulation parameters