6 filling dry-charged cells – Alpha Technologies AlphaCell OPzS User Manual
Page 31
12.0 Maintenance,
12.6 Filling Dry-Charged Cells
Cells may be received dry-charged. Dry-charged cells should be activated (fi lled with
electrolyte and charged) only when ready to be placed in service. Dry-charged cells may be
stored for up to 2 years without deterioration in cool, low-humidity locations (<30°C, <50% H).
To activate the cells, remove and discard the shipping plugs or pressure-relief valves for
moist-charged cells and fi ll the cells to the low level line with an approved grade electrolyte.
Mix the electrolyte before use to eliminate stratifi cation.
Do not short the terminal posts.
Allow the battery to stand for 4 hours after fi lling. Add additional sulfuric acid of the fi lling
electrolyte specifi c gravity to bring the electrolyte level up to the low level line. Charging
must then be started within 12 hours.
Before charging, install the fl ame arrestors, and then lock in place with one quarter turn
Start charging according to section 10.
If cell temperatures exceed 45 °C, interrupt the charge and wait until the temperature has
dropped to 30 °C. Then the charging may be resumed.
Add fi lling electrolyte, where necessary, so all cells are at the high level line when the
activating charge is about two-thirds complete.
At the completion of the charge, the specifi c gravity of all cells, corrected to 20 °C, should
be within the range indicated on the nameplate. At the end of charge, if the specifi c
gravity is higher, remove some electrolyte and replace with water. If lower, remove
some electrolyte and replace with electrolyte of higher specifi c gravity. At some remote
locations, electrolyte with higher specifi c gravity may not be available. In this case, adjust
the level with electrolyte instead of water. Measure the specifi c gravity and keep adjusting
the level with electrolyte until a normal specifi c gravity reading is achieved.
Electrolyte quality dilute sulfuric acid (H
) - maximum impurities (see Table 14-8).
When fi lling electrolyte, specifi c gravity must be 15 points (.015) less than the cell nominal specifi c gravity.
When mixing electrolyte, always add acid to water. Pour slowly and stir constantly to avoid
excessive heat or violent chemical reaction.