4 adding water, 5 quality of water – Alpha Technologies AlphaCell OPzS User Manual
Page 30
12.0 Maintenance,
12.4 Adding Water
Cells on charge normally show a very gradual lowering of the electrolyte level over a period of
time, due to a loss of water from the electrolyte. Hydrogen and oxygen gasses are liberated
by electrolysis as a result of charging current. Cells also lose water from normal evaporation,
at a rate relative to the cell temperature and the humidity.
At regular intervals this water loss must be replaced with distilled, de-ionized or approved
water, so as to maintain the electrolyte level at the mid-point between the high and low level
lines marked on the jar, while on fl oat.
The best time to add water to the stationary lead-acid battery is when the recharge or
equalizing charge is about two-thirds completed. In this condition the electrolyte should be
brought up to the high line. Water tends to fl oat on top of the electrolyte for a while, but the
gassing action of the latter part of the charging period will mix the water into the electrolyte.
If temperatures may possibly drop below freezing, water should be added at the start of the
recharge or equalizing charge to ensure thorough mixing with the acid solution.
Take care to keep the solution level below the top mark of the cell jar’s solution level markings
while on equalize. Overfl ow of solution can occur during gassing if too much water is added
to the electrolyte.
Under certain conditions some batteries may never require an equalizing charge. These
batteries may be watered when required. The mixing of the water with the electrolyte is a very
slow process. In these cases realistic specifi c gravity readings may be obtained only after six
or more weeks of charging at fl oat voltages.
In cold climate with unheated battery rooms, water should be added only when the battery
temperature is 10°C or above.
Never add any special types of powders, solutions or jellies to the batteries.
12.5 Quality of Water
Only distilled, de-ionized or other approved water should be added to the battery.
The conductivity of the water should be less then 30 ms.
Approved water is water that has been analyzed by a qualifi ed laboratory and found safe for
use with lead-acid storage batteries. Obtain an analysis from the local municipality to be sure
the results comply with the impurity levels (see Table 14-9).