Pr el im in ar y – Alpha Technologies Industrial Ni-Cd Batteries Standard Range User Manual

Page 25

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EN-ALPHA-TMSR-001 (10/09)








7.3. Installation, continued

7.3.5 Commissioning

A good commissioning is very important. The following instructions are valid for commissioning at 20°C till
30°C. For different conditions please contact manufacturer. Charge at constant current is preferable. If a site
test is requested it has to be carried out in accordance with to IEC 60623.

According to IEC 60623, 0.2 C5A is also expressed as 0.2 ItA.

The reference test current is expressed as:



A= C



1 h

Example: 0.2 I


A means 20 A for a 100 Ah battery or 100 A for a 500 Ah battery With Constant current

When the battery has been:

Delivered unfi lled and discharged: After a period of 5 hours from fi lling the electrolyte, the battery
should be charged for 15 hours at the rated charging current 0.2 ItA. Approximately 4 hours after the
end of charging the electrolyte level should be adjusted to the upper electrolyte level marking “MAX” by
using only genuine electrolyte. For cells with steel cases the electrolyte level should be adjusted to the
maximum level according to the “Instruction for the control of electrolyte level”. During the charge the
electrolyte level and temperature should be observed see point 5.4. The electrolyte level should never fall
below the “MIN” mark.

Delivered fi lled and discharged:The battery should be charged for 15 hours at the rated charging
current 0.2 ItA. Approximately 4 hours after the end of charging the electrolyte level should be adjusted
to the upper electrolyte level marking “MAX” by using distilled or deionized water in accordance with
IEC 60993. For cells with steel cases the electrolyte level should be adjusted to the maximum level
according to the “Instruction for the control of electrolyte level”. During the charge the electrolyte level and
temperature should be observed see point 5.4. The electrolyte level should never fall below the “MIN”

Delivered fi lled, charged and stored for more than 12 months:The battery should be charged for 15
hours at the rated charging current 0.2 ItA. Approximately 4 hours after the end of charging the electrolyte
level should be adjusted to the upper electrolyte level marking “MAX” by using distilled or deionized water
in accordance with IEC 60993. For cells with steel cases the electrolyte level should be adjusted to the
maximum level according to the “Instruction for the control of electrolyte level”. During the charge the
electrolyte level and temperature should be observed see point 7.5.4. The electrolyte level should never
fall below the “MIN” mark.

Delivered fi lled and charged:A 5 hour charge at the rated charging current 0.2 ItA must be carried out
before putting the battery into operation. Approximately 4 hours after the end of charging the electrolyte
level should be adjusted to the upper electrolyte level marking “MAX” by using distilled or deionized water
in accordance with IEC 60993. For cells with steel cases the electrolyte level should be adjusted to the
maximum level according to the “Instruction for the control of electrolyte level”. During the charge the
electrolyte level and temperature should be observed see point 5.4. The electrolyte level should never fall
below the “MIN” mark.

7.0 Installation and Operation, continued