Pr el im in ar y – Alpha Technologies Industrial Ni-Cd Batteries Standard Range User Manual
Page 23

EN-ALPHA-TMSR-001 (10/09)
7.1. Receiving the battery
The cells are not to be stored in packaging, therefore, unpack the battery immediately after arrival. Do not
overturn the package. The battery cells are equipped with a blue plastic transport plug. The battery can be
delivered - Filled and charged/the battery is ready for installation. Replace the transport plug by the vent cap
included in our accessories only before use - Unfi lled and discharged/do not remove the transport plug until ready
to fi ll the battery The battery must not be charged with the transport plug in the cells as this can damage the
7.2. Storage
The rooms provided for storing the batteries must be clean, dry, cool (+10°C to 30°C - in compliance with IEC
60623) and well ventilated. The cells are not to be stored in closed packaging and must not be exposed to direct
sunlight or UV-radiation. If the cells are delivered in plywood boxes open the boxes before storage and remove
the packing material on the top of the cells. If the cells are delivered on pallets remove the packing material on the
top of the cells.
7.2.1 Uncharged and unfi lled cells
Provided the correct storage conditions are met then the cells and batteries can be stored for long periods
without damage if they are deeply discharged, drained and well sealed. It is very important that the cells
are sealed with the plastic transport plug tightly in place. It is necessary to check after receipt and at least
every year. Leaky plugs allow the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to infi ltrate the cell, which will result in
carbonation of the plates. That may impair the capacity of the battery.
7.2.2 Charged and fi lled cells/ discharged and
fi lled cells
Filled cells can be stored 12 months at the most from the time of delivery. Storage of fi lled cells at a
temperature above +30°C results in loss of capacity. This can be approximately 5% per 10 degrees/year
when the temperature exceeds +30°C. It is very important that the cells are sealed with the plastic transport
plugs tightly in place. This is to check after receipt of goods. In case of loss of electrolyte during transport,
refi ll the cell until the “MIN” mark with electrolyte before storage.
7.3. Installation
EN 50272-2:2001 “Accumulators and battery installations, stationary battery installations” is binding for the
setting up and operation of battery installations. For non stationary installations specifi c standards are valid.
7.3.1 Location
Install the battery in a dry and clean room. Avoid in any case direct sunlight and heat. The battery will give the
optimal performance and maximum service life if the ambient temperature lies between + 10°C and + 30°C.
7.3.2 Ventilation
During the last part of charging the battery gases (oxygen and hydrogen mixture) are emitted. At normal fl oat
charge the gas evolution is very small but some ventilation is necessary. Special regulations for ventilation
might be required in your area for certain applications. If no regulations are fi xed in your area DIN EN 50272 -
2: 2001 should be met.
7.0 Installation and Operation