Pr el im in ar y – Alpha Technologies Industrial Ni-Cd Batteries Standard Range User Manual
Page 22

EN-ALPHA-TMSR-001 (10/09)
6.4 Temperature Infl uence
The electrochemical behaviour of the battery becomes more active if temperature increases, i.e. for the same
fl oating voltage the current increases. If the temperature decreases the reverse occurs. Increasing the current in-
creases the consumption of water and reducing the current could lead to an insuffi cient charging.
For standby application it is normally not necessary to compensate the charging voltage with the temperature.
In order to reduce the water consumption it is recom mended to compensate it at elevated temperature as for
example from + 35 °C on by use of the negative temperature coeffi cient of -3mV/K and cell.
For operation at low temperatures, i.e. below 0°C, there is a risk of poor charging. It is recommended to adjust
the charging voltage or to compensate the charging with the temperature (- 3mV/K, starting from an ambient
temperature of + 20°C).
6.5 Commissioning
A good fi rst charge is essential to prepare the battery for its long service lifetime. Above all it is important for
discharged cells since they are in a totally discharged stage (see point 7.3.5 Commissioning).
6.0 Charging, continued
Graph 6-4, Temperature-corrected Float Voltage