Evaluation procedure 1, Evaluation procedure 2, Evaluation procedure 3 – Alpha Technologies AlphaCell GelCell User Manual

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745-680-C0-002, Rev.B1


To help identify batteries approaching end of life in an operating power system, test #1 should be performed at each

maintenance interval. For batteries not installed in an operating power system, test #2 or #3 may be performed. For

accuracy, tests must be performed on fully charged batteries.

A battery failing any of the following combined tests is defined as a faulty battery. The battery will be replaced under the

terms of the warranty if within the defined warranty period.

Evaluation Procedure 1

Conductance/Impedance Test

Measure the conductance of each battery. Any battery that possesses a conductance

that is 50% less than the initial reading taken at the point of install can be considered suspect of being below 70%

capacity and should be evaluated further. The battery temperature must be approximately the same each time this reading

is taken (see Table 1 below). Use temperature compensation feature when using Midtronics meter.


Float Voltage Test – Measure the float voltage of each battery in the string that is on float charge. Any battery in the string

measured at 13.2 volts or less is a suspect battery and should be further evaluated with the steps below. Any battery

below 12.6 volts should be replaced. The 13.2 & 12.6 voltage values are based on a 77˚F (25˚C) temperature. Adjust the

voltage for higher or lower temperatures by 0.0168 Volts per battery per degree Fahrenheit. The higher the temperature

above 77˚ F (25˚C) the lower the voltage will have to be adjusted and vice-versa for temperature below 77˚F (25˚C). (i.e.:

at a temp of 89˚F (32˚C) would have a corresponding float voltage of 13.0 volts).

Evaluation Procedure 2

Conductance/Impedance Test – Measure the conductance of each battery. Any battery that possesses a conductance

that is 50% less than the initial reading taken at the point of install can be considered suspect of being below 70%

capacity and should be evaluated further. The battery temperature must be approximately the same each time this reading

is taken. Consult table 1 below for guidance.

Use temperature compensation feature when using Midtronics meter.


24 Hour Open Circuit Test

– Measure the open circuit voltage of the suspected battery 24 hours after the battery has

come off of float charge. Care must be taken to ensure that the battery is at full state of charge when it is disconnected

from the power supply. The battery should exhibit a voltage about 12.60V. A battery below this voltage should be replaced.

A fully charged battery below 12.6 volts is below 70% capacity, but a battery above 12.6 volts is not necessarily above

70% in capacity. Batteries that have been sitting for extended periods should be recharged after 6 months or when they

reach 12.48 volts (75% capacity), which ever comes first depending on the storage temperature.

Evaluation Procedure


24 Hour Open Circuit Test – Measure the open circuit voltage of the suspected battery 24 hours after the battery has

come off of float charge. Care must be taken to ensure that the battery is at full state of charge when it is disconnected

from the power supply. The battery should exhibit a voltage about 12.60 volts. A battery below this voltage should be

replaced. A fully charged battery below 12.6 volts is below 70% capacity, but a battery above 12.6 volts is not necessarily

above 80% in capacity. Batteries that have been sitting for extended periods should be recharged after 6 months or when

they reach 12.48 volts (75% capacity), which ever comes first depending on the storage temperature.


100A Load Test – Measure the voltage of each battery at the end of a 10 second 100-amp load test. Again, the

temperature must be equivalent to that of the original test performed at the point of installation. A significant drop in

voltage versus the previous test will indicate deterioration of the battery. A 12-volt battery that falls below 10.80 volts

should be considered faulty and should be replaced.

To maintain consistent test results, ensure the same Midtronics conductance tester is used for each test cycle.


3.4 Battery Evaluation procedures for AlphaCell™ GXL,

GXL-HP and Gold-HP batteries

Midtronics Conductance

Models 3200/micro CELLTRON


85 GxL-HP

135 GxL

160 AGM

165 GxL

195 GxL

195 GxL

220 GxL



Approximate Conductance Values (mhos)

Healthy Battery @ 77°F (25°C)











Suspect Battery @ 77°F (25°C) in mhos











Table 1, Conductance values, healthy vs. suspect batteries